Collect Time Capsules Starting TODAY!


Our 15th Webkinz Day anniversary is on Wednesday, April 29th, 2020!


To celebrate this special milestone—starting TODAY—we’re giving away daily time capsules from our previous Year 10 anniversary!


Log in each day to your Webkinz account on web, mobile, or the desktop app starting TODAY, Wednesday, April 15th until Thursday, April 23rd to receive time capsules commemorating years 1 – 9.




Then from Friday, April 24th until Tuesday, April 28th, log in to get NEW time capsules commemorating years 10 and onward!




Of course, don’t forget to also log in on Wednesday, April 29th for our 15th Webkinz Day anniversary! You’ll get a Webkinz Day Gift filled with fantastic prizes! Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for a sneak peek at what’s inside!



If you miss out on one of the Firework Wall Panels, or if you just want more for some of your other rooms, you’ll be able to find the Fireworks Wall Panel Pack, (containing all 5 wall panels) at the Ganz eStore, starting on April 30th!



*FUNCTIONALITY NOTE: When using the desktop app to collect log in gifts for multiple accounts, you must completely close the app each time before logging back in in order to receive the prize on your other accounts.


Have YOU collected your first time capsule yet? Let us know in the comments below!


123 Responses to Collect Time Capsules Starting TODAY!

  1. pikachu7777 says:

    Could anyone kinzpost me day 12? Bummed I missed it- but had to be off for Sunday. UN: pikachu7777

  2. jsforfr says:

    The pet Medallion Portrait is not tradeable and the Fireworks Panel 5 is flashing a bright red box when placed on a wall.

  3. oldlou says:

    Hello! I missed the year 12 capsule due to the time zone difference and I was just wanted to post and see if anyone had an extra they could send to me. I would really appreciate it! Thank you in advance! My username is oldlou

  4. Krishna1896 says:

    Is there anyone who has extra of the Year 8 Time Capsule items and can send them to me?? Please <3 Username: Laximi

  5. allig8rgirl says:

    Does anybody have day 11? I logged in but didn’t get anything. I’m so frustrated. My username is toogs7

  6. Krishna1896 says:

    I missed Year 8 time capsule. Can someone send me the items please??

  7. 73kibarry says:

    I didn’t get day 8 and I logged in that day. I don’t understand why. Any suggestions?

    • mayzie says:

      Same thing happened to me. I log in every day on my accounts and I am not getting some of the capsules. This is happening on all of my accounts. I contacted Webkinz support about this matter but haven’t heard from anyone. If it’s a glitch I hope it will be fixed.

  8. sydneyk29 says:

    Is there a way to change the time zone on your Webkinz account? Currently my Webkinz account is running on East Coast time but I live on the West Coast. I missed day 8 of the time capsule due to this. I logged into my account at 9pm my time tonight, but because Webkinz does not line up with my correct time it said it was midnight and gave me the time capsule for tomorrow. Doesn’t seem right that people are missing out on events because the time zone on their personal accounts don’t line up with where they actually are in the world.

  9. lilaclilyofthevalley says:

    Oops! I’m too early for the Chain of Office! I’ll let you know if there’s a problem. Thank you! Not sure what happened to the Fountain though.

  10. lilaclilyofthevalley says:

    I don’t understand why I didn’t get the Rockerz Fountain and the Chain of Office Display. I logged into Webkinz just like I always have before and on these two days I didn’t get those prizes and puzzle pieces. I missed the snowglobe, but I didn’t log in that day so I understand why for that one, of course. What’s wrong? I’m so disappointed!

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      Are you logging in through the browser? Even if you don’t see the Announcement, it should still be added to your dock. Check the special items tab in your dock

      • avaroxsj says:

        I automatically log in everyday and just noticed that I was missing a piece of the flooring puzzle which is Day 8 with the crystal trophy. I checked special items and even a-z.

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