Countdown to New Years Community Challenge Dec. 31


You completed yesterday’s Community Challenge to win a Build-a-Snow-Fort Snowball Launcher!!!





Here is your Community Challenge for today! Check back here after 9am tomorrow to see if you won!


87 Responses to Countdown to New Years Community Challenge Dec. 31

  1. barb539 says:

    I really love the snowman! Off to play some games in the tournament arena!

  2. cmsrockz1 says:

    Have a Happy safe and blessed New Year everyone, and great job on our challenge.. CMSROCKZ

  3. sciencesplat says:

    uh oh – I got yesterdays bench but I haven’t gotten a message on my webkinz account today after I claimed my snow fort prize…. maybe it takes time?

    • FennecFox says:

      yikes— it probably does! hopefully you get it!

      • sciencesplat says:

        yay I got it!!!

        • katherinemacey says:

          Sally webkinz I have an idea for a plush pet later on in 2016 or 2017! Okay- it’s a brown dog, with a white underbelly and the bottom of the paws are white to. And all over the brown are tiny skateboards! Kind like the mustache dog but it isn’t the same breed. Just make the normal pup frame for the skateboard dog. Also make it have a DJ or bandanna on its head- a cross or chain necklace, and on one of its sides make a big skateboard print! Hope you and the other workers like my idea!!!

  4. fluff54 says:

    Yeah we did it!!!!!! This Community Challenge is easy because I normally enter about 20 games in the tournament area a day! Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!

  5. KatelynnSarah says:

    Do both the 2 Player Games and Quick Tournaments count towards this challenge?

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      As long as you’re playing in the Tournament Arena, it counts :)

      • KatelynnSarah says:

        I wouldn’t mind if Ganz ran a Tournament Challenge more often. I really appreciate not having to wait for someone to join me in a game of Atomicolicious. I am curious, if I play a 2 player game, do we both get credit for playing 1 game each? Or does the game it’s self only count as 1 game played?

  6. Spiderhulkman says:

    Wahoo! I knew we could do it. And, I’m sure with all those top hats we looked good doing it. Haha! Congrats everyone! Go Team Webkinz!

  7. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Awesome! Unfortunately I couldn’t participate in yesterday’s event because my computer wasn’t working and I couldn’t get on WebKinz :( That really stinks cause now I don’t feel like I deserve the snowball launcher. Well, I’d still like to thank everyone who helped this goal be reached ;) Now it’s on to the tournament arena!

  8. awesome_geek says:

    This is going to be my fav activity yet! Who wants to play checkers?

  9. FennecFox says:

    I have this snowman, but I wouldn’t mind having TWO!!! ;D

  10. FennecFox says:

    YES LET’S DO THIS! Sally, do we have to play this WITH our friends, or any person who’s online? :o

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