Country and General Store Themes Retiring To Deluxe!


Have you designed a Country themed room for your pet or built a General Store? These two themes will be retiring to Deluxe on August 28th. That means, after the 28th ONLY Deluxe Members will be able to buy these items from the WShop. If you don’t have a Deluxe Membership, try to grab these themes before they’re no longer available!

38 Responses to Country and General Store Themes Retiring To Deluxe!

  1. red2white says:

    I love the Country Themed keep it. Thank you.

  2. cowtown says:

    yes i want to thank you Ganz that you did tell us, about this early, and i am broke cause i still paid the 5,000 or was it 10,000 for the theater for my map, and then you can get it free, or for 5.00 now, and everything on here is so lots of money two, i think that maybe the deluxe thing is all about getting more for all the other things coming out like the facebook, the apps and the other sights i forgot the names to all, but i hope that just webkinz can get the care it needs to work, i am also missing the retired pets they are not easy to find pets or cards or clothes , were i live, have a great day to all.

  3. aekmde2002 says:

    so not fair we already spend money on webkinz, now we have o spend it on deluxe memberships!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. sammie52 says:

    I can’t wait to see what replaces them! Thanks for the notice!

  5. leachow53 says:

    I really hope that Ganz will have some great things for Non Deluxe members.

  6. masmirf says:

    Why do you keep taking room themes away from regular players? That isn’t fair. Come up with new ones for Deluxe or new ones for regular players!

  7. cuddlyfur1 says:

    oh my gosh will ganz PLEASE stop making everything deluxe!! We pay for our memberships by buying pets, why are you treating us like free players!!!

    • zeph317 says:

      You’re right. People who buy pets are regular, paid members – not free members. Free and regular, non-deluxe members are not the same. Regular members bought pets with the expectation of being able to buy the room themes that were available when they bought their pets. Don’t change the rules in the middle of the game.

  8. guamgirl says:

    I’m Deluxe, but “retiring” themes to Deluxe Only doesn’t seem fair to all the players who aren’t Deluxe. :(

  9. Elessar says:

    ***sigh*** I’m still reeling over your announcement that the Automotive and Super Hero Themes are retiring.

  10. dolly7girls says:

    Everything is going deluxe. What about the kids who cannot afford estore or deluxe membership? You are dissappointing alot of kids!!!!!!!

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