St. Patrick’s Day is around the corner, and what could be better than some rainbow-themed furniture? Check out this version of the Pegasus’ special item from our archives!
What you need:
- 8-inch by 8-inch square of Bristol board, folded in half
- 8-inch by 5-inch rectangle of Bristol board, folded and stapled into a rectangular prism
- 80 cotton balls
- Craft glue
- Scissors
- 8-inch half circle
- Acrylic paint in the following colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.
- Masking tape
What you do:
- Tape the bristol board that’s folded in half on top of the bristol board rectangular prism – this forms the back, seat and base of the couch, respectively.
- Paint an arc of red paint around the outside of the half circle. Paint an orange arc underneath it, then yellow, then green, then blue and then violet.
- When the arc is dry, tape it to the back of the couch.
- Put a thin layer of craft glue all over the couch.
- Stick cotton balls all over the couch’s back and seat.
- When everything’s dry, show your Pegasus their lovely new couch!

Make this couch extra special with the addition of sparkles!
Do you have a great idea for a craft, recipe or party game? We’d love to hear them!
Omg I totally remember wanting to make this as a kid
is there a rainbow couch in game? i dont think ive seen it, super cute i love it !!!!
I love rainbows
I love this couch! Thank you!
Nice! this is so cute!