Cupcake Contest!









Fluffington St. Bernard here. Oh, excuse me. Let me just get something to wipe the icing from the keyboard before I carry on. There we go.

Well, I must say, the results of the Cupcake Decorating Contest have been absolutely delicio- I mean, beautiful. Each and every entry has been a delightful mouthful of suga- I mean a work of art. I know, I know. I’m supposed to be judging them on the decorating, not the mouth-watering, sugar-coated, icing topped… oh… please excuse me for a moment.


Mmmm… that’s better. Now where was I? Oops – let me wipe that keyboard again.

Well, let me tell you, the entries have been extremely creative. Cowabelle’s duck cupcake fits the bill perfectly, while Nibbles’ ladybug cupcake is spot on. Polly’s flower cupcake is blooming wonderful, and I could ‘bearly’ resist gobbling up Salley’s polar bear. Sparky’s sheep cupcake is not baaaaad either! I really relish Roberta’s hamburger cupcakes, and Purr-cilla’s cupcake is the cat’s meow. Millie’s and Molly’s frog cupcake has me jumping for joy, and Stoogles’ cupcake is simply monstrous. No really – I mean that in the best possible way!

Now comes the hard part, readers. I have to choose! This is going to be a very difficult decision. In fact, I think the responsibility is too much for me. Cupcakes make me weak, you see. I just don’t know which one to pick. Do you think I could prevail upon you to help me make this decision? I’d really appreciate it. I mean, I just want to be fair and, well, if it were up to me – they would all win!

So I’m counting on you. Please cast your vote and help me decide. Ms. Cowoline will announce the results at Kinzville Academy on Monday morning. Check in to see who will take home the grand prize!

139 Responses to Cupcake Contest!

  1. bailey says:

    it is so cool!!!!

  2. powerpuff girl says:

    i would vote for everyone because all are tasty :P:)

  3. Noah D says:

    This is cool!!!!

  4. ginorf41993 says:

    What is this?

  5. purr-cilla cat cupcake says:

    I <3 Purr-cilla's cat cupcake…

    PS…I LOVE cats ;P

  6. skylar says:

    I love cupcakes so much!! All the contestents deserve to all win good luck to ya’ll.

  7. lizardcap12345 says:

    i think that alex should win he is the best at making cupcakes he is cool i hope alex wins

  8. firstvisit711 says:

    Cowabelles is my fav

  9. jam fort says:

    how do you vote, and will we really know on monday?

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