Daisy’s Diner is OPEN for business


Daisy’s Diner is now OPEN for business in the Webkinz Clubhouse! Stop by for a visit and click on Daisy to sample some of her tasty vegetarian dishes EVERY DAY!


Each day you’ll have to chance to try one of 12 delicious items, including Fuzzy Frozen Peach Yogurt, Honey Comb Sorbet and AvocaDoe Ice Cream, the 3 recipes she invented with Mr. Moo!


Here’s a look at the menu:





Feed Daisy’s Diner food to your pet as a unique snack or try to collect all 12!


Is your pet an aspiring chef? Jump behind the counter and help out Daisy by trying out the Super Chef Stove! Try adding 3 pieces of food to the stove from the W-Shop OR try adding 3 pieces of food you’ve made with a stove, sandwich maker or blender and see if you can discover a new SUPER secret recipe!



Have you visited Daisy’s Diner? Please leave your comments below…


132 Responses to Daisy’s Diner is OPEN for business

  1. mgirlprincess says:

    when i clicked on daisy nothing happened

  2. 0bella0 says:

    Everything looks so DELICIOUS! I also love that stove! Wish it was available for my pets room! (:

  3. kittyen66 says:

    I am making it a priority to get that delicious looking salad! The desserts look glorious too, but I’ve managed to collect all of those.

  4. 1pepper says:

    Has Daisy changed the menu to include clothes? The past 2 days she has given me 2 Nakamas T-Shirts

  5. Bubblilious1 says:

    I like Daisy’s Diner. Love the beautifully decorated green shop. Her food looks yummy too. I like that she is letting us try everything ‘on the house’ so we can try new foods. If you don’t like it, I am sure one of your pets will.

  6. tinygma says:

    TOFU Burger, Kale Chips and Fresh Pasta Salad make a recipe Daisy told us befor.

  7. mommysbabe19 says:

    I LOVE Daisy’s Diner. Glad we are getting healthy foods. Will we ever be able to purchase the green diner items? I would love to make a “green” diner for my pets. Thanks Ganz!

  8. awebunnys says:

    ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

  9. Madysonelizabeth says:

    WOW!!!! COOL!

  10. JookieJess says:

    I can’t wait to visit the diner! One question though: is there anywhere where we can purchase the decor of this place? It’s all so cool!

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