Decorate Your Pet’s Yard for Christmas!



Transform your pet’s outdoor yard or treetop room into a snowy village square with the Christmas Carol theme! The buildings work like fences; they can only be placed around the outside edge of the yard. Last year, this outdoor theme replaced our retired indoor Christmas theme, the Santakinz Workshop. If you’re looking to get your hands on the old indoor theme, you can try visiting a trading room in the Clubhouse to see if anyone has some of these items for offer!


55 Responses to Decorate Your Pet’s Yard for Christmas!

  1. crazy011 says:

    I want the Santa’s Workshop theme soooo bad! I was really little last time they had it I didn’t get much. Please Ganz! ~crazy011~

  2. Casper64 says:

    I can’t get my outdoor theme items to work. They won’t stay where I put them they just keep going back to my storage at the bottom of the screen. Anybody else having problems?

  3. PANDAGIRLK9 says:

    I wanted last year’s theme……….. but I made my Christmas Square! =)

  4. tinygma says:

    WEBKINZ has LOST IT !!!!! NO ONE is getting rid of Christmas items from indoor rooms :( :( . THAT’S WHY we are missing them so much . There are so many new people who don’t have them like the KOOKY SCIENTIST items we love them and missed them :( :(

  5. love2dino says:

    Sure wish you would have brought the indoor theme back or a new indoor theme. How about a Christmas fridge?? I don’t thing there has been one for all our Christmas goodies.

  6. Charis2 says:

    I love the outdoor Christmas Carol village theme, but I really miss the Santakinz Christmas indoor theme! I love getting themed beds and I hate that you have to go to the estore to get one this year. Oh well! :(

  7. kenbearcol says:

    I am pretty tired of this outdoor theme. Please come up with something new next year and make it things that can go everywhere. If that’s not possible, then indoors with beds and fireplace and everything to make an indoor room.

  8. markg97 says:

    So they are just showing the indoor room theme and not selling it at the wShop? P.S. not all the building pieces for the outdoor theme fit into the room and the 12 days of Christmas wreath is blocking the right corner in my outdoor rooms and I can’t Garden there.

    • jenniferobbi says:

      My pets are very upset with that wreath blocking their garden. Their only source of income is gardening and by Christmas Day they are going to have a lot of dead vegggies. They, also, want more indoor Christmas items. Things for in their bedrooms and kitchens.

      • markg97 says:

        Thank You Jennifer, for seeing my point if they move it to the bottom left corner of the screen it wouldn’t be blocking anything and the fruits and veggies are the only food they have to eat, (I have two garden rooms and don’t want to loose a thing).

        • fastasy7 says:

          Same thing happened to me. But I figured out if I used the Zoom In/Zoom Out icon above the screen next to the Edit tab, I can get into that corner of my room. I hope that helps

      • Bookworm255 says:

        Just zoom into that section of the room with the magnifying glass icon, and you will be able to access any furniture. I was having that problem as well until someone told me about this solution!

    • meow12345 says:

      FYI, just magnify the room (I had the same problem).

    • leachow53 says:

      You can use the spy glass (+) at the top to make the view larger than move over to the corner to do your gardening.

  9. shananski says:

    I miss having some indoor furniture items for Christmas too! Perhaps, we can have both rooms available for purchase.

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