Deep Sea Fishing Close-Up

Take a closer look at the fish from Wonderful Waves

You can find fish by visiting the Seaside Resort in Webkinz Next.
There are six categories of fish to collect. Each category has rare, common and uncommon fish species and each of them looks incredible. Since the game doesn’t give users a detailed view of the fish, we thought it would be fun to post some close ups.
Here’s a look at the fish in the Wonderful Waves category:

Which of these fish is your favorite?

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19 Responses to Deep Sea Fishing Close-Up

  1. gagamurph says:

    Does anyone have a glitter fish aquarium or the Banggai aquarium to trade ! My collection is almost complete and cant seem to win those !

  2. gagamurph says:

    Autumn Sky…. Attempted to FR you in NEXT and was told nobody by that name on NEXT ??? What happened ?

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