The next time you play the Deluxe Prize Machine, you may end up winning one of these familiar items!
- Glam Boutique Flooring
- Googly Goggles
- Pink Salon Reception Chair
- Salon Reception Desk
- Pretty In Pink Skirt
- Salon Side Table
- Glam Boutique Wallpaper
- Butterfly Sky Top
- Deep Sea Stove
- Fuchsia Flip Flops
- Salon Sink
- Lightning Bugs and Grass
- Salon Styling Cabinet
- Salon Stylist Chair
- Superstar Sneakers
- Styles of Plumpy Lightbox
- Salon Coffee Table
- Glam Boutique Sign
- Despicably Blue Overalls
- Pink Star Tank
- Green Salon Reception Chair
- Salon Dryer Chair
- Lime Green Capris
- Glam Boutique Floor Lamp
- Persephone Lightbox Poster
- Salon Styling Station
Every time you play the Deluxe Prize Machine, you and one other lucky person in Webkinz World get the gift — how cool is that? So Deluxe Members, head over to the Today’s Activities page today, March 20, and see what you win! Tell us in the comments below if you got any of these neat items.
Thanks for including the lighting bugs and grass. It’s one of my favorites.
Exciting! I’d love to have some of the Glam Boutique items to decorate my house with!
This is very generous indeed, but seriously, I’d be a whole lot happier if you could get rid of the food items, KC, and tokens, and raise the chances of winning the “Deluxe” collectibles like the golden chandelier, etc. The last thing I want is a bunch more random non-sendable e-store stuff cluttering my dock and storage room.
When I spin the deluxe prize machine I am hoping to get something that I can’t get anywhere else. Most of these items are available on the mobile app. Give us a better chance to win the golden items and the silver chandelier rather than adding a bunch of prizes I already have.
You’re thinking of the black-and-red salon theme. This is the Glam Boutique theme.
I have all the red and black ones I will ever need 3 years there stored away in a room unused . But I have 10 of each in case I ever use them .
It’s the same thing, re-colored.
47 minutes of clicking on this daily activity and I still cannot “get in” I’ve tried my pet awake, asleep, telephone on, and off, rebooting and logging off – It should NOT be THiS difficult to get smores or cake pops…..
You too? If I click the button it logs me out of my game. It hasn’t worked for a while in my Asian account.
Not exaggerating …95% of the time I get the dreaded kc or token, sometimes food. If they were taken OUT of the machine, I’d be one happy camper! I haven’t even won the gold suit or glasses yet! ( a non deluxe account did win them from a deluxe player though, thank you! ) But the glam boutique is a nice addition.
I agree, I almost always get kinzcash, token or food. I always think, sorry to who ever gets the copy of my prizes, not very exciting, I don’t think it’ll be exactly making them wish they were deluxe. lol I think with the size of the prize pool now, it would have to be a daily activity for me to ever actually win the golden deluxe items I am still missing.
lfrank I agree!!!! I’ve been playing for 10 years and I know I’m missing many deluxe things from the beginning. I think it would be great if each month they celebrated each year Webkinz has been going by giving older deluxe items away on the deluxe prize machine. So month one is all about the deluxe items and cool prizes that were offered during the first year of webkinz. Month 2 would be the 2nd year of new deluxe items and so on…I think that would be fun!! I’d love to get some new items from years passed. Also, I got kc on both of my accounts. I can’t recall the last time I actually got a prize and not kc on the deluxe prize machine. It would be great if you would maybe just cut out winning kc on the d.p.m. we can win it in a TON of other places. I prefer items :) Thank you for the update! I am excited for more Golden items and now some boutique goodies!
Nice…but you can get the salon items for KC if you have Webkinz Mobile. The only two prizes here that interest me are the Deep Sea Stove and the Lighting Bug And Grass, which I’m pretty sure my odds of getting them are slim. Mostly I get KC and food prizes. Once or twice I’ve won a clothing item. It would be really nice if all the Deluxe Prize Machine prizes were Rare items that even Arte won’t sell in his shop. I just wish that KC and food were not a prize option on any of the Wheel Prize games. :-(
Yep! I got KC! Hope the person who got the gifted prize is happy getting KC. “The odds are not in my favor” with the Deluxe Prize Machine (or any of the other Wheels)! :-(
Glam Boutique- not the mobile Salon theme.these items actually used to be pretty rare.
Resonatingthunder! Thank you! :-) I didn’t realize there were two salon/boutique room themes. Sometimes I just don’t pay attention to the names of the themes. Ha! Appreciate you catching my mistake! :-)
Thanks for the update! I got KC, which is my usual. Is there a trick/secret that anyone would like to share on how to get the prizes? If the Team is going to go to all of the effort of including all of these good prizes, then it would be nice to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Please let me know if you have any pointers. Thanks!
Today I got KC and a wish token. Is there any chance the prize machine could be updated to give a better chance to win the golden items? Or maybe it could be a daily activity for deluxe members? I appreciate this added range of items to be won from the prize machine; but I already have all of those are items; many of which I paid for when they were available to buy (via codes in store). Thanks for considering.