Did you complete the Veggie Fest Community Challenge?

Whoops! Looks like whoever planted the code for this field forgot to harvest the whole code when it was ready! Please find the correct code below. Our apologies for any inconvenience!


The Webkinz community does it again! You completed ALL the challenges! Here is your code for a


Farmers Field Floor TIle



Enter this code in the Code Shop which can be found under the Things To Do menu when you log into Webkinz Classic. Code expires at midnight EST on November 30, 2021.

24 Responses to Did you complete the Veggie Fest Community Challenge?

  1. LdyRBud says:

    Will there be another veggie fest in 2024 or the ability to purchase in the wshop some of these other veggies seeds that were offered back in 2021? The farm fresh seeds carrots, cabbage, Watermolen, pumpkins, tomatoes and strawberries have all been purchased. So I’m looking to add these other former farm fresh seeds. Help to get access to the other seeds is sought. Thank you for your help.

  2. jk2010 says:

    If anyone wants another snake plush toy, I could kinzpost you one! my Webkinz UN is JazzyK2010

  3. xoingtoby says:

    Thank you for providing the full code. Excited about this one!

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