Discover What’s Inside the Window on the World Giftbox!




To celebrate the release of pet rooms on mobile, we’re giving away some fun new prizes with a mobile twist!


Log in to any time between November 20th and December 20th to receive your Window on the World Gift Box. Inside you’ll find 4 wrapped items that you can drag into your pet’s room. Then, log into your account using the Webkinz mobile app on your Android or Apple device and visit your pet’s room. Your new prizes will appear unwrapped and revealed!


Want to know more? Check out this video:




Don’t have the Webkinz mobile app yet? Visit the Google Play or Apple App Store to download it!


For your security, please remember never to share your account login information with anyone (other than your parents).


What do YOU think is inside the boxes? Let us know in the comments below.


368 Responses to Discover What’s Inside the Window on the World Giftbox!

  1. wolf107 says:

    I’ve logged in to my mobile app every day since the first day and I received all but the biggest box and it still won’t open. Bummer!

  2. Dueby101 says:

    This is seriously grossly unfair. Any kid young enough to play Webkinz in too young to have their own mobile device (let alone a new enough one such that they could download Webkinz Mobile)……. and that includes me. Webkinz should stop making things that are so inaccessable (this, Deluxe, etc.)

  3. Kitkatkittykat3 says:

    I got this ha ha ha ha ha :P

  4. MySaviorisJesus78 says:

    To anyone that received these prizes…can I ask what exactly you got in the boxes?? When I opened mine on my mobile, all of the boxes disappeared and I didn’t see anything in my dock, but now I see some new items in my dock and just want to know if it’s the prizes from the boxes. Thanks!!

  5. kmackeral says:

    I received and opened the box on my account, but the wrapped packages aren’t in my dock.

  6. sealund13 says:

    i did not get all of the gift’s

  7. msamom says:

    This is awesome!! But for people who don’t or can’t get the mobile app it might seem unfair but only you guys can make a kinzpost!!! I think that is pretty cool! :) -xskatergalx

  8. Katzgirl24 says:

    Gennelle, I opened the boxes on the computer, looked on my mobile home, but nothing was there! Help please!

  9. BirdLover190Kinz says:

    Does anyone know what is in the box? I don’t think I have access to the mobile Webkinz. Plus, today I adopted a cool tiger snake from the mall. I called her Pretzel. :)

  10. CoolRossillongirl says:

    I have a very stupid question. This is my question: What is a meme or what does it mean, because I want to know. ~ DoodleBennaKate

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