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From Walt Disney Animation Studios, the team behind “Frozen” and “Wreck-It Ralph,” comes “Big Hero 6″, an action-packed comedy-adventure about the special bond that develops between Baymax, a lovable inflatable robot, and prodigy Hiro Hamada. When a devastating event befalls the city of San Fransokyo and catapults Hiro into the midst of danger, he turns to Baymax and his close friends. Determined to uncover the mystery, Hiro transforms his friends into a band of high-tech heroes called “Big Hero 6.”
Be sure to check out BIG HERO 6 in theatres November 7th.
© 2014 Disney
This movie was SO GOOD! It literally tore me to pieces at some parts. The characters were done so well! Another awesome movie by Disney!
so excited to see this movie! XD
princejackson5, are you my friend on Webkinz World? I’m jrflores on Webkinz World, and I have that Garnet Rover named Aphrodite. ***MidnightQueen***
Please give out a baymax costume :)
Hey guys! Anyone know what the song in the background is called and by who? I like it! And also, has anyone seen the trailer for Inside Out?
wow i cant wait im seeing it when it first comes because my sister is taking me she got her drivings license last week so yay