Dr. Quack’s Journal: Disaster Strikes!




Oh my! This is terrible! Goober’s lab exploded and our new medicine has gone up in smoke! I’m still in shock! Who could have ever seen this coming?!


Fortunately Goober is okay. He singed his fur a little, but otherwise he is doing fine.


“Oh well,” he said, “It’s back to the drawing board for me.” Then he left to call his insurance agent. He said he’d have the lab back up and running in no time.


Unfortunately, all of the papers containing our formula were lost in the explosion. This setback has been difficult to accept. We were so close to making everyone in Kinzville healthy. Now we must start again from the beginning. But I will never give up on my fellow citizens of Kinzville, no matter how long it takes!


At least now it has begun to rain, helping to put out the fire. Although I must say, I have never seen clouds look so strange…



Stay tuned for more from Dr. Quack’s Journal coming soon!


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117 Responses to Dr. Quack’s Journal: Disaster Strikes!

  1. 5book5 says:

    That was written so well that, I felt bad for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL can’t wait for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. doodlepoodle678 says:

    Hug A Pug and cry on it’s shoulder Dr. Quack! Dr. Quack your such a crybaby! I mean I don’t understand why people don’t call you Dr. Crybaby

  3. doodlepoodle678 says:

    Hug A Pug Dr. Quack! Your such a cry baby!

  4. JuliaLau says:

    My pets wimpering…She is still sicj.

  5. eitak3012 says:

    Who’s Goober’s insurance agent? Is it a new character?

  6. kenjen177 says:

    I bet the strange clouds mean the medicine is going to rain down on everyone

  7. kat6401 says:

    Maybe some of the storm clouds hold some of the meds that went up in smoke..during the explosion of the lab….good luck and get all your shots…

  8. drtolli says:

    i still say we need to get the good doc an assistant and perhaps debbie dragon would be just the one to help him out. she is a dragon afterall and i bet since she retired from the travel agency she has had time to take a nursing course and he could use some time off to keep dating the one and only Ms. Birdy

  9. sparklebluestar says:

    I’m still holding onto my Nafaria theory. The “strange clouds” were tampered with by Nafaria, and it’s not the medicine in those clouds, it’s dark magic. I bet all the Webkinz will be cursed or something now. Ooh! And that lab explosion wasn’t natural, it was also Nafaria! *reply if you like or agree with my theory* ~sparklebluestar

  10. lilypugrulestoo says:

    Love this story….you know we could probably have some tea with honey and lemon that would help while we wait….cough cough sneeze sneeze….Webkinz could you brew us up a batch….

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