Ella’s Blog

Hey peeps! I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely getting into the mood for Christmas! I decided that I’d take a walk around Kinzville and see what kinds of traditions people have! I was headed to the W Shop to see if I could find Jerry when I bumped into Fluffington! He was carrying an extremely large sack, so I had to ask what was going on.



ELLA: Hi, Fluffington! That looks awfully heavy… can I help you with that?

FLUFFINGTON: Um, er, uh… no, thanks, Ella, I’m fine. Really.

ELLA: What’s in the bag, Fluffington? Something for Christmas?

FLUFFINGTON: *coughs* Um, yes, you could say that.

ELLA: I didn’t think you were really big on Christmas, Fluffington — I never see you around the holidays.

FLUFFINGTON: Oh! Oh… well, as a matter of fact, I do like to take a special trip… somewhere warm… you know. So… yeah, you won’t really see me around that often. Yes, that’s right.

ELLA: Um, ok. Well, it was nice talking to you. Good luck carrying your bag!

FLUFFINGTON: Thanks… yes.. thanks.


Fluffington rushed off with his bag bag of stuff, but I’m not sure what that was all about. He always seems a little odd around the holidays.   I looked through the W Shop, but I couldn’t find Jerry, so I took another walk through Kinzville. I found Amanda Panda in the Kinzville Park.




ELLA: Hi, Amanda!

AMANDA: Nice to see you, Ella!

ELLA: Likewise! I missed you this last election — there were a few people that were hoping that you’d run for mayor again.

AMANDA: Oh, how nice! I thought about it, but I realized that there was still so much in Kinzville that I wanted to experience.

ELLA: How do you mean?

AMANDA: Well, Alyssa was kind enough to invite me to her Christmas party this year. I’ve never been to a Fairy Christmas before and I can’t wait to see what it’s like.

ELLA: Oh, that sounds pretty cool.

AMANDA: Yeah, and next year, I want to try something different, too. I think I want to try something different for every holiday — I want to know how everyone celebrates. Hey, do you think it would be OK if I came to your house one of the holidays?

ELLA: Of course, Amanda! Me and my dad would love to have you over.

AMANDA: Great! Oh, I’m running a bit late. I need to head over to the Magical Forest. I’ll catch you later!

ELLA: Bye!


I spent a bit more time in the Kinzville Park before heading back towards town. I passed by Chef Gazpacho, harvesting veggies from the community garden.



ELLA: Chef Gazpacho! It’s so great to see you.

CHEF GAZPACHO: Mamma mia! Ella, so good to see you, too.

ELLA: I see you’re picking Farm Fresh vegetables. Are you planning on making a special meal this season?

CHEF GAZPACHO: Oh, yes, Ella, very special, very special. Each year, I make a whole lotta food to feed the hungry in Kinzville. Of course, I gotta have plenty of Farm Fresh Tomatoes for some pasta, and some Gazpacho soup, of course!

ELLA: That sounds wonderful… and delicious!

CHEF GAZPACHO: It is, it is, and I love to see the happy, smiling faces with full bellies. There’s a whole lotta veggies here, though. Do you think you could help me with harvesting and bring it back to my kitchen? I’ve got a lotta work ahead!

ELLA: Of course, Chef Gazpacho, I’d be happy to! This sounds like a great Christmas tradition — maybe I’ll help you next year, too!

CHEF GAZPACHO: That would be wonderful!



So, I helped Chef Gazpacho harvest some more Farm Fresh produce and we headed back to his kitchen to whip up a ton of food! I love Amanda Panda’s idea to try everyone else’s traditions, and I definitely think I’m on board for this again next year. Maybe I can get Fluffington to join us…. who knows!


What are your favorite Christmas traditions? Tell us in the comments below!


Until next time, it’s been real!



21 Responses to Ella’s Blog

  1. SkylerT_Gamer says:

    Why does this exist. But none the less its pretty obvious that Fluffinton is… Santakinz?

  2. JulieKeen says:

    Wonderful topic! Our Christmas holiday and our entire month of December is centered on Jesus Christ. We put up a tree and the kids get candy or crafts in their Advent calendar each day, we bake Christmas cookies, all that fun side of Christmas stuff. We also read a Christian Advent each day, as we approach the celebration of our Savior’s birth and we have up nativity scenes in the house, one Playmobil, one Fisher Price, and one glass set. He is the reason for the season! :) Thanks for asking about our traditions. Merry Christmas!

  3. tkkac says:

    lol I love the interview with Fluffington!

  4. Beckinz8 says:

    All of the comments have gone away. I loved this interview, and I enjoyed sharing my family traditions, and reading about others’ traditions. I’m sad that all of that was removed for some reason.

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      They were not removed, but it appears that whatever took the site down affected the database. Some comments and forum posts were lost.

      • ImaPepper says:

        Oh, wow! Whatever it was, it wasn’t good..must have had the team working really hard to fix it! Thanks for getting Newz up and running again.

      • Beckinz8 says:

        Thanks Sally. I was concerned that maybe it was personal, and that I had somehow broken some rule, but I didn’t receive any warnings. My comments on lots of newz articles are completely gone. I am sorry that the site temporarily imploded, but at the same time I’m happy that I didn’t inadvertently do something wrong, and I’m really happy that you were able to get it all sorted out. Thanks!

  5. Kamots55 says:

    Chef Gazpacho! I missed him so much!!!

  6. eclipse07 says:

    My family chooses a kid to play santa and hand out presents

  7. KSC says:

    Hi Ella! Great blog! I really enjoyed these interviews.

  8. ImaPepper says:

    Hmm…I don’t know, but am I the only one who thinks Fluffington looks a bit like SantaKinz? Lol.

  9. blackmagiccat says:

    Santa kinz exposed

  10. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    What a neat little bunch of “interviews”! ^-^ I wonder what secret Fluffington is hiding? Hmm.. maybe, he has a present for Ella? I love this; hearing from Fluffington and Chef Gazpacho especially! Please do more of these in the future. ^-^ I miss the Webkinz stories that used to be on here.

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