Ella’s Blog


Oh Em Gee, I am so excited about this whole Fashion Week thing! I practically begged PJ to give me a sneak peek of the new line and she agreed to let me do a mini fashion show! I asked Sally Webkinz and Stephen Webkinz to help me out — I matched some of the ingredient clothes with other things in my closet, and I’m just so excited!



Fashion Week starts in a week! Do you already have outfits in mind? I can’t wait to see what everyone sends to Webkinz Trendz! Which of these outfits is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below.


Until next time, it’s been real!



23 Responses to Ella’s Blog

  1. DashietheCloudSheep says:

    OOOOoo nice outfits :D! imma definitely get some of those

  2. KSC says:

    Hi Ella! Love reading your blog!

  3. KrazyKitty03 says:

    I cannot wait to make a ton of wigs!

    • lexieorrell says:

      Me Too!!!!!!!!!! I love wigs on my pets! The wigs look different on all my pets which is fun to find a pet it looks best on!! Most wigs are e store so thank you for making some not so everyone can have fun with wigs on there pets!

  4. 73kibarry says:

    I Just wrote something but got “Bad Gateway” So not sure if it will go through. I was saying I am excited for this, love creating new clothes and rooms. I was wondering if there could be more purple headbands/bows to purchase and if there is anyway we can eventually put clothes in rooms. I am working on a room now and it would be SO helpful if I could put clothes, other than the dance rack in a room. Just a thought. BUt thank you again for always making Webkinz so fun

  5. 73kibarry says:

    This is a GREAT idea. I just wish there was a way we could have more purple bows or headbands, and even put the clothes in the rooms…I’m working on a room that would REALLY benefit if I could do so. But, thank you for always changing and improving things. Love Webkinz, love creating clothes and rooms. Looking forward to this.

  6. 1Emerald1 says:

    Hey Sally, that gold wig is a great look on you! Oh Em Gee, Ella, you are so silly.

  7. cvasko says:

    I can’t wait for the wigs I love the long one.

  8. MagicOrin says:


  9. honeyhop says:

    Put the glam gold wig on the hippo. Then find a clam shell for her to stand in. Now you have the model for that famous painting in the Kinzville Art Museum.

  10. MommaSays says:

    OH EM GEE … is that short for ‘Oh My Ganz?’ LOL

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