Exclusive Item Gallery!


You’ll get great prizes each time you adopt a new Webkinz Pet! From your 2nd pet onwards, each time you adopt a new pet, you’ll find a fantastic Exclusive item inside your pet’s gift box!


From your 11th pet and onwards, you might also find a special Bonus Gift Box inside your pet’s gift box. When you drag the Bonus Box into your pet’s room, you’ll win either: 1000 KinzCash, an extra Exclusive item, or a Rare item from Arte’s Curio Shop!


For your 10th, 15th, 20th, and every fifth pet after that, you’ll get the Superbed Gift Box (for your choice of any Superbed) instead of the Bonus Gift Box.


Here’s a look at all of the current Exclusive items you could earn by adopting a new Webkinz Pet!



You can also get an Exclusive item by saving up Wish Tokens and using them at the Wish Factory!



How many Exclusive items have YOU collected?


71 Responses to Exclusive Item Gallery!

  1. roland22 says:

    YES . I have all of tham . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. roland22 says:

    I Have All . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. ilovemoonie says:

    Cool! I think I have (or have gotten at some point) most of these…I currently have almost 300 wish tokens, and I’m saving up to get that big dragon slide. ;)

  4. phoebejo says:

    So many to choose from.

  5. beerfeet says:

    I have been playing since 2007, and have over 100 pets so I have all but about 10 of these items. I am saving my tokens for that super expensive Wooden Garden Arch which is about 300 tokens! I am about 1/3 of the way there and I expect it will only take me another year to save what I need.

  6. iloveitso says:

    Wait, are the really expensive things in the wish factory not exclusive items?

  7. PennyOpera says:

    I’ve been lucky enough to win the Movie Screen from Arte’s Shop! I couldn’t believe it! A 40000 KC item! I have saved over 200 tokens. I’m saving for the Campkinz Pool in the Prize pool at the wish factory. My biggest wish? I wish that Amanda Panda would reduce the amount some of the Hamster items are going for and add that sweet Hamster Wheel bed.

  8. momno1 says:

    Wow! So fun to see all the exclusive items on one page. Looks like there is space to create a couple new ones… please!

  9. SillyGoose9 says:

    I own 22 of those exclusives. Can we get a retired exclusive gallery too?

  10. tinygma says:

    These are still all awesome ! I do wish 1 time a year if we could get a chance at someitem retired . I SO WISH for the DANDILION !! I was very very happy to see the LUNAR Moon bed come back . I gave E-Store an idea for a MURPHY style MOON BED that could stand against the wall like a harvest moon .But we all have ideas some do come true. Simple as you all bringing the Moon bed back. Now MOONBERRY TUB would be nice. But that is a different story . But if 1 time a year we had a chance at the retired items . May be newly retired could go to Curio shop befor gone forever ever. But we do love these all in so many different rooms set in so many different ways. Like snow flakes each room is different and so perfect in there own way :) !!

    • Furbabiez says:

      The Dandelion was a Pet of the Month exclusive. The friendly monster is on sale in the estore right now for 8000 G coins and the bathtub is a good match for your Halloween room you’re trying to finish.

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