Fall Fair!












By Ella McWoof

Intrepid reporter Ella McWoof here with a report from the Kinzville Academy Fall Fair.

The Fall Fair is underway and so far I’d say we can call it a success. Despite some worries earlier this week, the weather has cooperated. It’s sunny and cool. The Fair is a hive of activity. There are plenty of student volunteers helping out, and it looks like almost all of Kinzville is in attendance.

Let’s talk to some of the visitors to the Fair:








Ella McWoof: Dr. Quack, I couldn’t help noticing you screaming like a banshee on the Mine Cart Ride earlier. Would you care to comment?

Dr. Quack: Well, Ella, let me just say that the Mine Cart Ride goes a lot faster when you are on it than it looks when you are watching. As a medical doctor, I think they should have some sort of sign, warning ‘Kinz that this ride can result in severe shock and anxiety for the rider.

EM: That is strange, Dr., because right now I can see little Millie on the Mine Cart Ride with her sister, Molly, and she seems to be giggling happily.

DQ: I think perhaps there was a malfunction when I was on the ride that caused it to move faster than usual. Obviously, they’ve now fixed the problem.

EM: Oka-ay. Let’s move on, shall we? Cowabelle, I noticed that you were doing face painting earlier on, but now I see you’re in line for the Bumper Cars. Shirking your duty?

Cowabelle: Not at all! The way the School Council organized the volunteers, we have been working in shifts, so that sometimes we are helping out but we also have some free time to enjoy the Fair. It’s really ingenious actually!

EM: Thanks, Cowabelle – and I was just kidding with that shirking remark. Here’s Chef Gazpacho who has been overseeing the entries in the Cupcake Decorating Contest. Well, Chef, what are your thoughts on the entries?

Chef Gazpacho: I have to say I am very impressed with all of the cupcakes I have seen here. I would be proud to sell any one of these cupcakes as a dessert in Le Snout.

EM: Any predictions on the winner?

CG: Impossible to say. I did see Purr-cilla chatting with Fluffington though, and she seemed to be offering him a special cupcake she had prepared with extra icing and sprinkles. I’m not sure what that was all about.

EM: Hmm… suspicious. Might be a subject for a special investigative report depending on the winner of the contest. And here is Sparky Fact, who is running the Face Painting station. Sparky, I have been noticing some colorful faces around the Fair.  What would you say have been your most popular designs?

Sparky Fact: Well, I’ve noticed that the girls really seem to like the sparkly butterfly design, while a lot of boys have been choosing the dragon.

EM: That’s a dragon??? I thought it was a green goat. Okay, well… let’s talk to one more attendant here at the Fair. Stoogles, I hear that you and the rest of the School Council worked very hard to pull off such a successful day. Any comments?

Stoogles: Yeah, Salley and Purr-cilla and I had a lot of help from all the students of Kinzville Academy so I just wanted to thank everyone for pitching in. We had a few mishaps and misunderstandings along the way, but in the end, everything seemed to work out pretty well. And did you see my monster cupcake? Chef Gazpacho said it was really good!

EM: Well, there you have it readers. Today’s Fall Fair seems to be a great success. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get in line for the Mine Cart Ride. I hope I can keep my composure a little better than a certain duck I could name (I think you all know who I’m talking about.)

45 Responses to Fall Fair!

  1. GJELI123 says:

    i love it and i like it sow much

  2. webkinzmember says:

    where is this

  3. bunnyhoppers123 says:


  4. dooleyprincess200 says:

    i couldnt imagine dr quack screaming hysterically on a roller coaster.. i really cant imagine him on a roller coaster either!

  5. birdhouse says:

    ella mcwoof that was hilarious dr.quack i would probably scream like that to but really ella mcwoof that was histarically funny

  6. ChloeKitty15 says:

    Is it just me, or does Ella seem more rude? Usually her interviews are nice and pleasant for both sides, but this one seems like she’s criticizing everyone and everything.


  7. Mia says:

    I let a whoa out when I saw the fair!! Looks like alot of fun!! Like the road trip event but bigger and with cupcakes!! ooo cupcakes.. I wish we could’ve seen all the cupcakes together to get a better idea of who should’ve won. I loved the froggie and polar bear one’s. Didn’t see Purr-cilla’s but would have liked to. I bet everyone had a great time at the fair.

  8. #1 HARRYPOTTER FAN!!!!!!!!! says:

    Cool I love it!! I sure wish I was an Estore!

  9. comet says:

    i tht it was cool because in real life they do have fall festavals

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