Fall Fest Starts Today!



Fall Fest starts today, and runs until Monday, September 30 (ending at midnight, EST), on Webkinz Classic!


During this event, look for fall leaves floating across your screen and click on them to win prizes for your pets! This year, there are twelve new ones to collect:



If you want the chance to catch Fall Fest leaves while you are playing at the Games Arcade on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App, open and close the WShop while you are playing a game, and you’ll start seeing them as you play!


Bottles of 2024 Fall Fest Soda are also be available at the WShop for eStore Points! You’ll find them in the NEW & PROMOS section of the shop:



Every time you feed your pet a bottle of Fall Fest Soda, you’ll win a prize! You’ll also have the chance to win this year’s grand prize: A Potted Corn Plant that you can grow in your room and use to harvest Home Grown Corn:




What is your favorite Fall Fest prize? Let us know in the comment section below…


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14 Responses to Fall Fest Starts Today!

  1. momskinz says:

    I love Fall Fest & the prizes, but I do not love the limits . . . Could you please increase them? I miss the days of unlimited . . .

  2. ziprobot says:

    This years fall fest items are great! I’m so tempted to buy the sodas!

  3. jkleemom says:

    Awesome prizes great job!

  4. joker1411 says:

    Great prizes. Good luck everyone :)

  5. KarenaJ says:

    I guess the milk can goes with the Froggy theme? I was surprised to see daffodils in the can for a fall seasoned prize. The purple table seems out of place as well until I realized it matches this month’s collection prizes. Now I am remembering some spa items being in the pool previously. I think I do prefer fall items and fall themes for this event, even though I do enjoy theme building but I also have to get my autumn aesthetic on lol

  6. mfaull says:

    My favorite is probably the wooden plate rack. I wish we did not have to spend points to get the others.

  7. conductorb says:

    Sally, how many fall leaves can we collect each day?

  8. granma4 says:

    This year the prizes are great. I wish I had eStore points so I could have a chance to get that milk can with flowers and the frog bench. Good luck everyone :)

    • mothersattic says:

      I hear you, granma4, as I also am unable to buy e-store points and deluxe. We miss out on many items, but we also receive a great many wonderful ones. :) I want the HOMEGROWN CORN crate and poster, I love them, Used to live for a while, in the middle of 400 acres of corn and sunflowers ! I am SO happy with this year’s Fall Fest items. Autumn is my favorite season, followed by winter. I really love the sunflower accents this year ! THANKS, GANZ teams for all the superb items. HAPPY AUTUMN !

  9. hoppydaisy1 says:

    This is so much fun. The Leaf comes at a good pace and the prizes are so cool.

  10. 7debbie7 says:

    I LOVE Fall Fest! Have Lots of Fun To Everyone In WW…Thanks Ganz.

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