Fall Festival is coming to Webkinz Next, September 24-October 21.
Visit the large pile of leaves in Kinzville. Click the pile to collect one leaf a day. Ask up to four friends for additional leaves. Collect up to five leaves a day (one from the pile and four from your friends.)
Exchange your leaves for these cozy prizes.
10 leaves: Fall Fest Place Setting
20 leaves: Scarecrow Plushy
30 leaves: Fall Fest Watercolor Painting
40 leaves: Preserves and Herbs Shelves
50 leaves: Antique China Cabinet.
Your home will be fall fabulous!
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I’m having a problem with the Harvest Festival leaf count. The ask section gets locked up, and the leaf counter hasn’t added any of the leaves that have been sent to me and the only count I have is the 1 for the first day. Is anyone else having issues or just me?
I’m having the same problem. My friends send me leaves and I click on the leaf pile, but the counter never goes up. I was wondering if I was doing something wrong.
Fall festival is the best – so many free prizes.
Wow so interesting
If you get every leaf possible it would amount to 140, but to get all of the prizes it would take 150, so think ahead to which items you want most because we won’t be able to get all of them.
thank you for the infomation
Providing everyone replies to your request.
Yes, that is of course a best case scenario and no guarantee that friends will be able to reply every day.
You can tell who is on. I have a lot of friends because I always accept.
No, the leaf numbers are the thresholds at which you get these prizes. You get the first when you collect 10, the second when you collect 20, etc. This is just like the collection events in Classic. It only takes 50 leaves to collect everything once.
Thank you so much for clarifying Sally!