Fall Festival in Webkinz Next!


Fall Festival is coming to Webkinz Next, September 24-October 21.


Visit the large pile of leaves in Kinzville. Click the pile to collect one leaf a day. Ask up to four friends for additional leaves. Collect up to five leaves a day (one from the pile and four from your friends.)


Exchange your leaves for these cozy prizes.



10 leaves: Fall Fest Place Setting

20 leaves: Scarecrow Plushy

30 leaves: Fall Fest Watercolor Painting

40 leaves: Preserves and Herbs Shelves

50 leaves: Antique China Cabinet.


Your home will be fall fabulous!

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24 Responses to Fall Festival in Webkinz Next!

  1. memerdman says:

    28 days x 5 leaves per day is a max of 140 leaves which means that we can’t get one of each prize. Bummer! Do they realize this??????? Give us more days or decrease the number needed please.

  2. wk2nd says:

    Good morning, NEXT says “cannot connect to game server” I checked and I am not the only one having this issue. Do you have an ETA of when it will be fixed??

  3. bkbauer says:

    Webkinz Next is down. Game server not found.

  4. wk2nd says:

    These prizes are great! I do wish you had leaves we could collect on the ground as well….. And really wish there were floating leaf prizes like Webkinz.

  5. treeflower says:

    These a spectacular prizes!

  6. catloverdoglover says:

    There are so many fewer “exciting” items in Next than in Classic. I wish the variety was better.

    • Beckinz8 says:

      Hi catloverdoglover! We have to be ready to play the long game, because all of that exciting stuff in Classic was 17 years in the making (and counting!) If we play Next for the next 17 years, I’m sure that by then, it will be overflowing with excitement too! LOL!

  7. Joyfulmusick83 says:

    love the painting!

  8. Lorraine5442 says:

    I LOVE IT!!!

  9. elikerin says:

    That painting is really pretty!

  10. lemony says:

    Looks like some cool prizes. Can’t wait.

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