Welcome to another edition of Ganz Fanz! This edition showcases fan art from the Share Center.
- DuncanNut08
- OfficialAdventure
- LuckyTheBeagle
- Fliplets07
- FoxesRule612
If you want to send in your favorite Webkinz drawings (and maybe get them posted on the Webkinz Newz front page!), please share them in the Share Center (under “Fan Art”) at the Ganz Parent Club or snail mail them to:
#043 60 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, New York
Thanks for featuring me! Great job, my friends! Love all your fantastic artwork!! Always remember to give God the glory! =^^=
These are all so good, guys! You all have some amazing talent. Keep up the great work, and congratulations!
That shirt is so awesome, FoxesRule! I love Summer. >^•^< And, lava, I'm in love with your festive drawing of Woods! Fall is my favorite season, and there's nothing cuter than little Woods with a big pumpkin! XD
OH. WAIT. My dragon got featured?? That’s rad. Great job to FoxesRule612, DuncanNut08, LuckyTheBeagle, and OfficialAdventure! (By the way Lava that scarf is precious)
Heya Fliplets07! Congrats on having your dragon featured! It’s so awesome XD
Heyy! Thank you! It’s funny because the idea was actually suggested by Lava! (Kinzville Park conversations, am I right?) That and a wing fell off… I had to play doctor XD
You’re welcome! That’s cool! Haha, oh yes, kinzville park conversations are amazing XD Huh, really? Well hey, it still turned out great!
Thanks so much, Fliplets! And congrats to you too! Your clay dragon looks so cool! :D
Thank you :D Your wolf is sweet!
Great job, Flip! Love your little Scupley dragon! I love making stuff with clay.
You too, eh? Pretty good stuff, Sculpey is. This one in particular is made from Premo Sculpey, even better stuff.
Coolio. Man, that Sculpey stuff….it’s unbelievable. Wish it wasn’t so expensive here.
I like sculpting too, but I haven’t had colored clay for a while :P the last sculpture I made was of a black lab and some other dogs in a dog park…. anyways, Fliplets, that dragon is so cute! Great job on it.
Thanks Flip! I still love the little lava dragon sculpture you made. xD Congratulations on being featured dude!
Hey, congrats, Fliplets! ^-^ Your lava dragon is really neat. I wish I was good with clay. =P Either way, your dragon is really good.
Congratulations to DuncanNut08, Lava, Lucky, Fliplets, and FoxesRule! Great job, all you guys! Splendid artwork! (by the way, lava, Wood’s scarf is so cute >u<)
Awe thanks Fennec! ;D <3
Thank you! :D And I agree about Woods’s scarf, scarves are my weakness.
Wait whaaa?? My Moonlight Wolf got featured? Wow, thanks so much Ganz! And congrats to everybody who got featured! Especially my good friends, FoxesRule612, OfficialAdventure, and Fliplets07! Thanks again! :D
Awesome job, Lucky!
Congratulations, Lucky! I loved your moonlight wolf drawing!! :D I’m glad you were featured!
Thank you so much, Taffy! I’m glad you liked it! :D
No problem, Lucky! :)
Thanks so much, Fennec! :D
Your Moonlight Wolf is amazing, Lucky! You are such a talented artist. Congratulations!
Thanks so much for the kind words, SnowFox15! :D
Congrats, Lucky!
Thanks Fliplets! :D
Your Moonlight Wolf looks wonderful, Lucky! He looks so majestic! =^^=
Hey Lucky! Congratulations to you too! I really love your drawing :D
Thanks so much Lavadragon! Congrats to you too!! :D
Thanks FoxesRule! Congrats to you as well! :D
Congrats, Lucky! =] Your wolf is so cute! That Moonlight Wolf really is a pretty pet, and I love your version of it!
Thanks so much Emie!! :D
:D i got featured!!
You did an awesome job on that yorkie! :D
aww thank you :)
Congratulations, DuncanNut08! :) I loved your yorkie drawing!!
I love your yorkie drawing, DuncanNut! She’s so cute!!!! Is she supposed to be the Webkinz White Yorkie? That was my very first Webkinz. Her name is Bella. :)
Congratulations, DuncanNut08! Your little Yorkie is so cute! ^-^ Does she have a name?
she was my first webbie, a little white terrier named coconut :) im so glad y’all like it
Yeah! Awesome, right? You’re puppy is so cute! I really love it. =] Congrats on getting featured!
Awesome! Great job you guys :)
:D thank you
Thanks so much, Michael Webkinz! :D
Thank you so much! By the way, if you’re reading this and there could be a hypothetical spot open in the graphic design team ( or whatever you call it) in say, ohh four years or so, I’ll be here. With a degree ;) (I can dream, right??)
Thanks again, Michael! =^^=
Thanks Michael Webkinz! :D Rogue, ah silly you dreamer you. Seriously though § she would be a great addition to your design team give her the job!
Dream on, Fliplets! :D
I might need to use you guys as references on my job application!
Congratulations on being featured DuncanNut08, LuckyTheBeagle, Fliplets07, OfficialAdventure, (lavadragon), and FoxesRule612!!! :D All your art is fantastic!
Thanks ilovemoonie! :D ♥
Thanks, Moonie!
Beautiful art work! :)
Congratulations to DuncanNut08 (I love your yorkie drawing!), and my great friends OfficialAdventure (lavadragon), Fliplets07, FoxesRule612, and LuckyTheBeagle!!!!! :D :D :D You guys are awesome artists!! I’m glad you all were featured!
Thanks so much Taffy!! :D
You’re welcome, Lucky!! I loved your picture!!! :D
Thanks, Taff! (Can I call you that? XD) Can’t wait to see your lovely fan art of Fauna, too! =^^=
Ahh! Thanks so much Taffy! ≧◡≦♥
You’re welcome, FoxesRule! And sure, I don’t mind! Heheh, it’s funny, the first part of my username (taffy) was named after my cat at the time, who was named Taffy (sadly she was was put down last year :( ) and I used to call her “Taff” or “Taff Taff” for short (oh, and thanks! I submitted it just a little bit ago so it should hopefully be in the Sharecenter soon!)
You’re welcome, lavadragon!!! :D Congrats pal!!