Welcome to another edition of Ganz Fanz! This edition showcases fan art from the Share Center.
- OfficialAdventure
- PurpleFox
- Hazzy
- PonyPerfection
- webkinz0704
- FennecFox
If you want to send in your favorite Webkinz drawings (and maybe get them posted on the Webkinz Newz front page!), please share them in the Share Center (under “Fan Art”) at the Ganz Parent Club or snail mail them to:
#043 60 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, New York
this is the best fan art showcase yet! I want to put some art up
thanks :D
Wow, Snowmonkey9, thank you!
Congratulations on having your beautiful artwork featured, FennecFox, Hazzy, OfficialAdventure, PonyPerfection, PurpleFox, and webkinz0704! I enjoyed looking at it – Thanks for sharing! You’re all talented artists :o)
Thank you 4cheesetortellini :)
Thank you, Cheese!
Love the fall fair -all the little details! Great job! Congratulations to all of you! All the drawings were excellent!
Wow, those pictures are Awesome!
I’m glad you like mine, thank you!
My favorites are the Sugar Plumb Sparkle Pegasus, Holly Fox, and the Welcome To The Fall Fair Stand were my top three favorite drawings. Congratulations PonyPerfection, PurpleFox, and FennecFox!
Thank you very much!
Congratulations PonyPerfection, PurpleFox, Hazzy, Webkinz0704, and to lavadragon for getting featured! Special congrats to my friends lavadragon and PonyPerfection for getting featured! I loved them!
Ahhh! I am super sorry Fennec for leaving you out! Congratulations FennecFox! I liked your drawing!
Thank you!
Thank you, hehe!
Thank you so much, Webkinz, for featuring my art! And a big thanks to all my friends for being so kind. Plus, a big congratulations to Hazzy, PonyPerfection, PurpleFox, webkinz0704, and my good friend OfficialAdventure(lavadragon, lettuce, whatever you want to go by is fine XD). I hope I got everyone’s names down, your artwork is amazing.
Congratulations, Fennec!!! I really liked your Fall Fair Stand! Where I live, there is snow right now.
Thanks! :D And it’s snowing here, too. I love snow.
I love the polar bear by webkinz0704 the most but they are all very beautiful!
thank you :)
I’m featured! AGAIN! :D
Congrats, Pony! What was your first drawing featured here?
A siamese cat lying down but for some reason without shading.
Wow, congratulations on being featured, PonyPerfection, PurpleFox, Hazzy, and Webkinz0704!! All your pictures were so cute! ^_^ And a special congratulations to my friends, lavadragon (OfficialAdventure) and FennecFox! Your lava dragon and Fair Fair stand were awesome! Great job! :D
Thanks so much, moonie! ;D *high-five*
Thank you, ilovemoonie!!