Welcome to another edition of Ganz Fanz! This special edition features art found on Kinztagram!
- jumbleberriez
- dev.kinz
- volleypuppy91
- xcallofdutyzombies
- walruswebkinz
- chameleonkinz
If you want to send in your favorite Webkinz drawings (and maybe get them posted on the Webkinz Newz front page!), please share them in the Share Center (under “Fan Art”) at the Ganz Parent Club or snail mail them to:
Ganz #043 60 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, New York
Love the pictures great job everyone
Glad to see some more of CODZombies’ fine work! You really know how to use those filters! That Mallard in the water is so cute, walruswebkinz. Dev.Kinz, what on earth is your pup standing watch for, he looks so Serious! Jmbleberries, I love your focus on the Stringy Kinz, having them in order of height is a cute perspective. Volleypuppy, all I can say is, ‘Daily Awww, anyone?’ And ChameleonKinz, such pleasant reminder that school is back in session.
Haha love the mallard in the water, great job everyone!
Cute photos! ^-^ I like the one of the husky pup the best, and my second favorite is the mallard in the water. What a neat shot! I don’t know how some people can put their webkinz in water though.. I’ve always thought it would be bad for the plush!
Wonderful talent by all!
So cute!! Thanks for sharing!
Wow, these are all wonderful photos! :D I especially love that duck in the water, and the husky pup (it looks a lot like mine!) with the leaves. Great job, everyone, and congrats on being featured! ^-^
Fantastic pictures Kinztagramers! I love the back-to-school photo – those composition books are classic! Walruswebkinz ~ did you put your webbie mallard in real water, or is that just an illusion or editing?? If it’s real, you are brave. I hate even putting my webbies in the dryer to get the dust out of their fur! I love how the other photos showcased their pets with such clarity and detail too. You all must have great cameras! That rainbow/bubble effect was really cool! Nice job everyone!
Great photo shots guys, your pets are adorable!!
LOVE these photos! Great job, guys! Thanks for sharing!