Fan Mail with Fiona #43

It’s me, Fiona, back for another round of fan mail! As always, for my past answers, click here!




Hi, Fiona! I had a blast with the Bake Sale event, and I’m wondering: will there be more Bake Sale events in the future? I’d love to do that again! – ImaPepper


There’s nothing quite like the smell of freshly baked treats! I have a feeling it won’t be long before the next Bake Sale — I know I can’t pass up a Bake Sale Brownie. Just be sure not to eat them if you’re planning on making any of the prizes!



Dear Fiona, Does Webkinz plan on adding more competitions to the Webkinz Stadium? I remember a while back it used to just be the talent courses that had competitions; then they added the running competition. Will more be added soon? -swimbryan


Thanks for your question, swimbryan! While there aren’t any immediate plans to add to the Webkinz Stadium, that may change once they’ve finished updating the Kinzville Academy and more pets can level up their skills. But you’ll just have to stay tuned to see what’s coming!



Hey Fiona! I was wondering, will § be releasing any new Mustelids? (Otters, badgers, weasels, martens, ferrets, minks or wolverines.) I really would love to see a Fisher be released! I think GANZ should come out with some more “unique” pets, basically more unusual creatures. Thank you! -lavadragon


I snuck a little peek into the upcoming year… and it seems you just might get your wish, lavadragon! I can’t spill any more details, but you definitely won’t be disappointed!








Want to write to Webkinz?
Send your letters to:
Ganz #04360 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, NY



Have more questions? Ask them below and you might be featured in the next edition of Fan Mail with Fiona!




106 Responses to Fan Mail with Fiona #43

  1. peanutluver3 says:

    Hey Fiona will there ever be anymore family score prizes? I have had fun reaching my goals but they are so far out once you reach the 300,000 level no real incentive to keep going. Thanks peanutluver3

  2. RainbowDash20PercentCoole says:

    Dear Fiona, Is there a way that I can get retired pets with the seller Webkinz? I would not want there to be a seller that lies that the code works. I want the Black Lab so badly. Thanks!☺

  3. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Dear Fiona, In may when the Webkinz Raccutie was here I did not see her did you? I was really hoping I could get the Crystal Head Band and Nafaria’s purple Slippers. What was your favorite? Thanks!

  4. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Dear Fiona, I was wondering. Is there going to be another change in The Map Of Kinzville? I really like the old map better than the new one. Did you think Nuts and Bolts do a great job for making the map? I did. I really miss the old Webkinz World back in 2012 don’t you?

  5. 4CheeseTortellini says:

    Congratulations, ImaPepper, swimbryan, and lavadragon on having your questions featured and answered! Looking forward to future events and pets! Thanks, Fiona :o)

  6. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Awww yeaahh! Lavadragon got featured! Nice question, by the way. ;D I also hope to see more animals like that. We definitely need some more variety. Great questions all around, but congrats to lavadragon for getting hers chosen!

  7. Wolfy126 says:

    Sorry, but just curious. When will CS reply? Does it take about 24 hours?

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      It depends on how many emails they have waiting for responses :) Sorry, I know that’s not very helpful.

      • Wolfy126 says:

        It’s ok, I’ll contact you if they don’t respond.

        • Wolfy126 says:

          Hi Sally. So, I contacted CS and they were not much help. I cleared my cache, and my tiara is still gone. I know this is a bit much to ask, but do you mind replacing it please?

          • Sally Webkinz says:

            I don’t have the ability to replace items, unfortunately. Only CS can do that. Let them know that clearing your cache did not work.

          • Wolfy126 says:

            Good morning Sally! So, I simply fixed my problem by trading for another crown. Thank you so much for acknowledging my comments and issue. :) I appreciate your help.

  8. ruby1118 says:

    Dear Fiona, I really want the mallard duck to be the pet of the month. I remember when the duck was the pet of the month in march of 2012, or something close, so I thought the pet of the month was based on the seasons. I waited for 4 years for the mallard to be the pet of the month and I’m a duck lover! I want an answer please!

  9. Wolfy126 says:

    Sorry for being in such panic. Haha

  10. katherinemacey says:

    Hey Fiona! I have a huge question: has Ganz ever considered making a REAL kinztube? Like a website! Just for kinztubers! And some features could be, making an account, blocking comments, umm…ya! and there could be good parental controls, and stuff like that! Cause it would be AWESOME if ganz made that one day, cause my mom says that youtube is dangerous… but Kinztube could have high parental controls, and if their kid ever comments, you send them an email what they commented to MAKE SURE they arent saying anything bad! it would be awesome if Ganz considered the idea! Hope my question gets answered!! :D

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