Fan Mail with Fiona #43

It’s me, Fiona, back for another round of fan mail! As always, for my past answers, click here!




Hi, Fiona! I had a blast with the Bake Sale event, and I’m wondering: will there be more Bake Sale events in the future? I’d love to do that again! – ImaPepper


There’s nothing quite like the smell of freshly baked treats! I have a feeling it won’t be long before the next Bake Sale — I know I can’t pass up a Bake Sale Brownie. Just be sure not to eat them if you’re planning on making any of the prizes!



Dear Fiona, Does Webkinz plan on adding more competitions to the Webkinz Stadium? I remember a while back it used to just be the talent courses that had competitions; then they added the running competition. Will more be added soon? -swimbryan


Thanks for your question, swimbryan! While there aren’t any immediate plans to add to the Webkinz Stadium, that may change once they’ve finished updating the Kinzville Academy and more pets can level up their skills. But you’ll just have to stay tuned to see what’s coming!



Hey Fiona! I was wondering, will § be releasing any new Mustelids? (Otters, badgers, weasels, martens, ferrets, minks or wolverines.) I really would love to see a Fisher be released! I think GANZ should come out with some more “unique” pets, basically more unusual creatures. Thank you! -lavadragon


I snuck a little peek into the upcoming year… and it seems you just might get your wish, lavadragon! I can’t spill any more details, but you definitely won’t be disappointed!








Want to write to Webkinz?
Send your letters to:
Ganz #04360 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, NY



Have more questions? Ask them below and you might be featured in the next edition of Fan Mail with Fiona!




106 Responses to Fan Mail with Fiona #43

  1. lavadragon says:

    How did I not see this before today? Thank you so much Fiona! ;D Ahh I’m super excited now! \^o^/ ♥

  2. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Dear Fiona, Do you like music? I do. I kind of like the song Gold. ♪You’re Worth More Than Gold!♪

  3. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Hi Fiona! I needed to ask you something, In the MY PAGE thing I go to all of my friend’s page and they have clothing on there Rare Wish List. I wanted to do that for mine but there is no option for it. Will GANZ ever make an button for that? Thanks!

  4. ELJUCO1964 says:

    Hi Fiona is there any chance of Webkinz News changing the prizes anytime soon? Love everything they do for us… hugs//

  5. itmustbenice says:

    If you don’t acknowledge my questions, where can I find the answers??? Thanks

  6. ebbe9443 says:

    I keep landing on cash in the spree game but it never adds to my total points What should I do – I actually purchased points from ganz store to get extra spins and lost quite a bit of REAL money

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      If you land on the coins, it adds to your KinzCash total, not your SPREE credits. You have to land on one of the credit cards to earn SPREE credits

  7. doingmydailies says:

    Great questions guys! All of you have left me excited about the future! There might be more Bake Sales, updates to the Kinzville Academy, and a new, very unique pet coming next year! Webkinz is getting better and better!!! :D

  8. MisakiKt says:

    Dear Fiona, happy summer! Hope everything is going well for you, I just have a question. Before Dr. Quack retired, my pets would get sick and I have fun taking them to Dr. Quack’s. I liked buying hot soup for them, and put the pets into their beds. Good memories though, I felt like a proud parent. But they don’t get sick anymore, so I feel empty. Though there are pet requests and bathing, but the best part is taking care when they are sick. It prepares us for younger people’s lives, and it was fun. I don’t WANT pets to get sick, just taking care of this was cool. If there was a slight of a change (eg. getting hot and cold, feeling dizzy or having a scraped knee), that would be perfect. -☺MisakiKt ☺

  9. 50ishwebbies says:

    HI Fiona, Happy Summer!!! My friends and I LOVE to attend the Kinzville Academy; any chance of getting Ms Cowoline to host more than one Super School Day during our Kinz Week? Especially difficult to attend summer school with all the sunshine and pool and beach events, but we are still in session and would love an extra (few) days of double count classes! Thank you for your consideration and checking with Ms Cowoline!

  10. Froggit612 says:

    Is anyone else having issues with webkinzenewz not letting you get to maximum points each day? It used to be you could earn 500 points and then you woula notice saying you have reach maximum points for the day down in the bottom right corner where it shows you have earned 1 point or more if you have clicked on a floatie or whatever. For the last few days at least I noticed I am not seeing the message and not earning 500 points but forget to check my starting points so I am not sure exactly how many points I earn but I am pretty sure it’s less then 500.

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