Fan Mail with Fiona


Hello, my sweet Webkinz Newz readers! I’m Fiona Feathers, your intrepid KinzPost Courier, with even more answers for your burning questions! Today I’m answering questions from the comment section, but you can always send me a real live letter at the address at the bottom of this article! Also, check out my previous answers here.


Lots of great information Fiona – thanks! I was wondering if you know or could find out what is the significance of the number 27 which appears on a few of the items in the automotive theme? Just curious….


- pingpongkitties


Such. A. Good. Question. I went and asked our awesome Art Department for the answer. They said that when the theme was created, the artist who designed the pieces was 27 years old so he incorporated that into the theme! What a cool piece of Webkinz trivia knowledge, eh?


Thanks Fiona! Here’s a question for you: WHEN WILL FISH BE ABLE TO WEAR CLOTHES ON THEIR LOWER HALF? We all would LOVE some dresses, skirts, pants, shorts, skorts, sox, shoes, heels, and and and for our FISH Fashionistas!


- 50ishwebbies


50ishwebbies, sounds like you love your aquatic family! I crossed the seven seas to bring you this reply: unfortunately, sounds like your fishy friends won’t be able to wear lower-half pieces like their landlubber pals anytime soon. Sad face! The reason? Our virtual pants, skirts, shoes, etc, simply don’t fit their fins and tails. Happily, that doesn’t seem to affect their ability to look FABULOUS in any outfit!


Fiona is so cute! can we add her to webkinz world in the post office so we can friend her? so cute! is she any good at checkers?


- CrazyCatCrib


Aw, thanks, CCC, you’re making me blush! Who knows, maybe I will appear on your Friend List one day! And am I good at checkers? Pshaw! Ye-Well, I’m OK at checkers. Try me on Dogbeard’s Bathtub Battles and it’s a different story!


Want to write to Webkinz? Send your letters to:


60 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, NY


95 Responses to Fan Mail with Fiona

  1. rock33 says:

    Question: Will you every be able to buy extra spins on Webkinz with e-store points?

  2. evanb17710 says:

    oh my gosh she sends the mail

  3. WolfGirl2014 says:

    I have a question. Do the webkinz SIGNATURES retire?

  4. tuxeysnoopy2013 says:

    If you mail her a question if she doesn’t put it on Webkinz Newz, does she answer anyway???

  5. TennesseeFrogs2 says:

    Too bad fish will never wear pants lol, I was wondering the same thing.

  6. style808 says:

    Fiona I was wondering when was webkinz newz created?

  7. jellydonut says:

    Fiona’s definitely the cutest host :)

  8. PeacePuppy2323 says:

    Great information, Fiona! But I also have a question about webkinz world… The question: When pets retire do their codes still work? Because on the same week the harmony pup retired, I saw it in a store. I was afraid to get it because I thought the code didn’t work. Will its code still work?

    • Gennelle Webkinz says:

      Hi PeacePuppy2323! I was specially authorized by Fiona to let you know that when pets retire, their codes never expire! You could buy a Harmony Pup in a year or longer and as long as the code was unused, it would still work. Have fun!

  9. Bali_Tiger says:

    Awesomeness! Can we add Persephone to our Friends List? ‘Cuzz that would be totally awesome. WHOOP WHOOP! ~EmojiEmojiEmoji~ :cool: ~ Bali Tiger ~ :cool: ~ EmojiEmojiEmoji~

  10. kkkcat723 says:

    how long have you done this Fiona?

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