Hello, my sweet Webkinz Newz readers! I’m Fiona Feathers, your intrepid KinzPost Courier, with even more answers for your burning questions! Today I’m answering questions from the WebkinzNewz.com comment section, but you can always send me a real live letter at the address at the bottom of this article! Also, check out my previous answers here.
Lots of great information Fiona – thanks! I was wondering if you know or could find out what is the significance of the number 27 which appears on a few of the items in the automotive theme? Just curious….
- pingpongkitties
Such. A. Good. Question. I went and asked our awesome Art Department for the answer. They said that when the theme was created, the artist who designed the pieces was 27 years old so he incorporated that into the theme! What a cool piece of Webkinz trivia knowledge, eh?
Thanks Fiona! Here’s a question for you: WHEN WILL FISH BE ABLE TO WEAR CLOTHES ON THEIR LOWER HALF? We all would LOVE some dresses, skirts, pants, shorts, skorts, sox, shoes, heels, and and and for our FISH Fashionistas!
- 50ishwebbies
50ishwebbies, sounds like you love your aquatic family! I crossed the seven seas to bring you this reply: unfortunately, sounds like your fishy friends won’t be able to wear lower-half pieces like their landlubber pals anytime soon. Sad face! The reason? Our virtual pants, skirts, shoes, etc, simply don’t fit their fins and tails. Happily, that doesn’t seem to affect their ability to look FABULOUS in any outfit!
Fiona is so cute! can we add her to webkinz world in the post office so we can friend her? so cute! is she any good at checkers?
- CrazyCatCrib
Aw, thanks, CCC, you’re making me blush! Who knows, maybe I will appear on your Friend List one day! And am I good at checkers? Pshaw! Ye-Well, I’m OK at checkers. Try me on Dogbeard’s Bathtub Battles and it’s a different story!
Want to write to Webkinz? Send your letters to:
60 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, NY
Ganz on webkinz when we submit our suggestions are they taken into consideration. And for plumply does she really answer real peoples questions or do you guys just write one that will apply to new players. Just curious-Snow
Fiona should be at the Kinzpost Office! That be so cool! Poor Jerry still needs a job though. That should be a contest to find Jerry a job in WW. :)
Hey Fiona I have a question, I wanted to know if items that were in previous click and wins will ever be available as prizes again or if it was a one and done :) thanks for doing this it’s really helpful!
I like the game but Webkinz told me I only have till November to keep my account. After my account is gone I will be stuck with getting a free account and only having 1 pet:(
No, you won’t have only one pet. And you WILL get more pets soon!
You can find Lil’ Kinz at most dollar stores these days fore just a dollar and they will keep your account active for another year.
I have a question for Fiona. Why has a lot of stuff in Webkinz World been going Deluxe? I want to play games I use to. But they are all going Deluxe and I am not buying Deluxe because I don’t want to waist my money on a game. I wish every thing wasn’t Deluxe. Please get back to me soon. Buddielee
I don’t think telling a company that their game is a waste of money gonna get you any brownie points with them :(
well they have a point though when I don’t want to spend all this money that I could be spending on a webkinz pet or something else that I want just because they refuse to give what was originally for webkinz players. I was fine with them making stuff for deluxe, but then they started to take regular players things and switch it to deluxe. So if there was a game I loved back in 2011 when I joined I can’t play it now because I am not a deluxe member. It is extremely frustrating.-Snow
Hi Fiona! I have a question. Is there any kind of Enchanted Garden theme in Webkinz world? If not, do you think there will ever be one in the W-shop? I think it would be really cool to have one that you can buy with Kinshcash. ~*JaneOfAllTrades*~
This is kind of a silly question, but, why does the W-shop sell hamburgers, fish sticks, suhi, etc., when you can have a pet cow or a pet fish??? heh…
Hello Gennelle, I have a question. Well.. Actually two. One being why did Webkinz stop Music Starz? And two will they make anymore songs?
Awwwwww Fiona is so cute! I love her! I have a question, why do pets retire? I really want to know because every time I want to buy a pet but by the time I get enough money it’s already retired! I don’t like to get pets that are retired so ya… SelenaFluffy friend me
Hi Selena! I’m going to jump in and answer this for Fiona as it’s a fairly common question. We retire pets because we only make a limited number of each pet — Webkinz are collectible plush — so when we sell out of them from the warehouse, that’s it! “Retiring” them is a way to let everyone know that NO more of that pet will ever be made. In the last couple of years we fell behind on our pet retirements so we’ve been catching up and retiring 1 pet a week since late last year. Hope that clears it up!
Thank you for answering this. It honestly is a question the gets on my nerves. Because every company does it ty, american girl, ect. But when you do it, it’s unfair. If people could just understand that you can’t keep making every single pet, because if you did you couldn’t make any new pets. Maybe you could post an artical on it.-Snow
But I got a pet that was 1 year after it retired.
no wait it was my friend
Thanks Gennelle! It really helped! Love you!
You can, on possibly Amazon or other websites, my friend got a 1 year retired pet.
Fiona I would like to know some tips about how to get Estore points. The pets in the estore are super cute but I don’t know how to get estore points.