Farmer Will Needs a Makeover!

Help Farmer Will find a new look.

It’s been some time since we introduced Farmer Will to Webkinz Next and we’ve collected quite a bit of feedback about his looks. So, we think it’s time Farmer Will had a little glow-up.

But, if we’re going to give Farmer Will a makeover, we need to make sure it impresses our fans!

How would YOU improve Farmer WIll’s looks? A new outfit? Some glasses? A moustache? We will consider all suggestions.

What do YOU think?

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66 Responses to Farmer Will Needs a Makeover!

  1. Remmierem says:

    Oh, and something else I suppose is worth mentioning that I forgot to add. Sparky’s modal/design is the cutest/most solid one of any of the npc’s, in my opinion. But his stylization doesn’t really match any of the others, he has much softer/plush look to him that keeps him appearing as uncanny and fits better in the webkinz style. His proportions are more “cutesy” (bigger head, squat body, more toony appearing face), which just works. Where Ms. Biscuits, Ms. Cowaline, Will etc are very humany and lacking a lot of toony, cutesy stylization. I would love to see NPC’s follow in Sparky’s direction more ^^

  2. Remmierem says:

    This is a little late, but I definitely think his eyes are a big part in him looking a little creepy! They’re very small, black and beady. Alongside his very perfect, smooth skin and human-like hands he is quite uncanny. I would suggest making him a patchy-colored pig to break up the flesh tone, and give him a wiry/fur texture, as pigs are typically covered in wiry fur and are not actually nude. I think potentially floppy ears would make him look cuter too, along with larger eyes. I like his nose and smile :3

    • Remmierem says:

      Oh, and I also agree with many others that Mrs. Cowaline is also in need of a pretty major rehaul. Her design genuinely creeps me. I was jumpscared when she first showed up on school’s shop page. Give her her round-ness back! QwQ

  3. horseshoe23 says:

    Please give him some sort of hint to eyebrows and take away his fingers….He is deep in uncanny valley right now (along with most Next hosts…..)

  4. susiecue55 says:

    I think Farmer Will looks okay, but I agree that a working farmer would never wear flip flops and shorts I agree that Ms Cowlilne needs a major makeover. She looks kind of scary

  5. BeezKneez says:

    Thank you, Ganz, for asking our input to give Farmer Will a makeover. Please, whatever you do, DO NOT change him to look like a stereotypical hayseed like the Pumpkin Patch protector pig. This is 2023 and Farmer Will is a modern rural professional and he already looks like the business man he is. I like his hat, shirt, and vest. Make the shorts into pants and give him work boots – flip flops are not safety footwear around a farm. Besides, it looks just silly to see his shorts and sandals during the winter months when there is snow on the ground. He probably has greenhouses to keep his business thriving through the cold months. But, since you asked, I would also make his skin tone a bit darker – more reddish brown like a Duroc hog. Overall, I do not like any of the host characters in Next – they are too human in appearance with just an animal head perched in their shoulders and it comes across looking weird – and don’t get me started on their human hands instead of paws or hooves. The next host to get a makeover should be Ms. Cowaline.

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