From now until August 12th, make sure your Webkinz ads are turned on from the Parents Area and you’ll be able to find 3 BONUS Floating Wackys flying in Webkinz World which you can click to get 3 extra bottles of fizz a day. Using an Ad Blocker instead? CLICK HERE to learn more about how to turn our ads back on if you are using an Ad Blocker.
Every time you feed your pet a bottle of fizz you’ll have the chance to win one of two Wacky fridges:
Have fun looking for Wacky in Webkinz World… and good luck!
Hey everyone – Just thought I’d report that I won the Lemon Fizz Fridge on both my accounts. On each account the second fizz was the winner. I fed three more for a total of five per account, but no more winners after that. I’ll try again tomorrow. Also, after I collected the free clubhouse one. I stayed in that room to drink my sodas, don’t know if that mattered or not. Anyway, the fridge prize is being awarded now. Good Luck, all. I hope everyone wins at least one.
Are any deluxe members getting the 3 extra sodas? If yes, what browser are you using? I have ads on, using Chrome, and can’t get more than the 4 “regular” sodas. Don’t know if it’s a glitch, or my browser. Thanks in advance for any help.
The ads are “on” in both my accounts and I use Chrome. My regular account gets the 3 bonus sodas but my deluxe account does not. I’d try a different browser to try to find them but I can’t put up with the lag and glitches and random log outs when I use anything but Chrome. I find the sodas quickly when I use the mobile app on my IPad but it takes forever when I’m logged on the desktop version. Love the collection events, but my frustration level is increasing. Best Wishes.
Have you verified that 3rd party ads are enabled from the Parent Account for your Deluxe Account? They sometimes get deactivated. If you go back and check the box, please make sure that you respond to the email that you subsequently receive. It will not turn 3rd party ads back on until you do.
I will check that – thanks, Sally.
I went and checked my third party ads and they had somehow deactivated. I went in and enabled third party ads, responded to the email and now the bottles are flowing just fine and dandy.
Hang in there! I got the new Lemon Fridge yesterday. Keep trying everyone!
I just want to chime in with everyone else, maybe enough complaints something will change. For starters AMEN to the comment about going bk to 1994 I had to shut ads off just to do this comment because the lag was so crazy long. Then of course the whole thing of ads don’t even come up. I have refreshed and changed screens more times than I can imagine. The whole bit of feeding pets a bunch of fizz and getting nothing, there are 4 of us that webkinz in our house and we have gotten every fizz we can since it started and nothing to show for it. This is why most of the time I don’t even do these kinds of things on W because it gets too frustrating !!!!!!!
Well . . . I broke down and fed my pet 6 orange sodas all in a row . . . . Nothing :’-( . That’s two days worth of orange soda, and, I’m only getting the 4 plus the lemon in the Wacky Room. My ads are on and and I have no bonus sodas on a deluxe account. At least I have 2 fridges from last year. It just seems collecting any kind of floaty these days is A LOT more work than it used to be, which isn’t fun at all. At times it seems a chore. However, there’s several more days of collecting so I’m trying to remain optimistic.
Some people have ads off because it seriously slows down the website to the point where it’s practically unplayable. Those video ads on the side especially slow stuff down.
It’s so frustrating to have to turn ads on to win extra prizes. Turning ads on literally just shuts everything down. It’s like it’s 1994 and I am back to using dial-up. Why do you make this necessary?
The extra Fizz is appreciated and, so far, I’ve been able to get all seven. I haven’t dared feed any to my pets yet because so many people are saying they’re not receiving the new fridge, even after feeding lots of Lemon Fizz. Also, getting the bonus Fizz from Wacky in the Clubhouse has been a huge challenge. There’s SOOOO much lag and glitchiness, I’m only persevering because it’s for the new Lemon Fizz. ((SIGH)) It’s times like these I REALLY REALLY miss when we could choose which Clubhouse room to go to. I would always opt out for the empty rooms and moving about was such a breeze …………..
I got both! Maybe you should try. it only took me 1 zangoz fizz and 4 or 5 Zingoz Fizz. :) PS. The fizz is next to that big wacky chair thing where you sit in his mouth. :)
Same here, Bubbs! I fed three yellows got the soda fridge, fed 5 orange got the snack fridge. Maybe I waited till I saw the pet talking, though. If he/she says ‘Wack-errific’ or ‘Fizzzzzz’ then I started feeding. If they just smiled I held off.
I have fed my pet about 40 fizzes and so far have nothing. : /
Is anyone actually winning anything from the fizz? No one in my group has won a single thing despite collecting fizz bottles like mad. Also, “Ads On” is now a cat-tastrophy. The site just curls up & quits. Even with our new faster internet service! It’s like we’re going backwards here…so we’ve given up on doing any of the Ads On activities. I hope my friends out there are having better luck than we are & are able to enjoy this event.
I got both already. It only took 1 zangoz fizz and 4 or 5 zingoz fizz. :)
Hi 1Emerald1—-yes, I have won a fridge. (I won it yesterday, by feeding my pet a fizz.) The fridge is really cute and you and your pets will like it a lot when you win it. Good luck and have fun!
I have won the fridge from the lemon fizz. I already had the orange one.
Yes, I won a fridge too- during Berry Fest I didn’t win either of the berry cars though.
I have a question. I want to send in a campkinz room, but google chrome is not working for me. And internet explorer is so slow that I can’t do anything. Can you help?
i have the same problem with safari but ganz does nothing about it, even when i email them
I had that problem on Chrome too, and I’m not sure why. I just had to log into Firefox to submit the room picture I had under the Share Center.
you could download the app and then take the screenshot and send it in. I have to do the same thing. You could also try using Firefox. I hope this helped
Urrg! I don’t even have FireFox, and I’m not allowed to download many apps onto the computer. :(I’ll keep trying on Explorer.
Hi babbashka, Chrome is not working for me, either. I don’t know why. I’ve updated my flash, I’ve cleared my cache–you name, I did it. Chrome still isn’t working for me. For five months, Chrome worked flawlessly—and about a week ago: it just stopped. Yes: very frustrating. And I, too, find Explorer to be a bit slower…I’m sorry I can’t offer you any help, but I wanted to let you kow you are not alone. Good luck sending in your Campkinz room; wish I had an idea for you, but maybe someone who is more tech savvy than I can offer you some better advice.