Find the Egg Ad! April 7 – 9

Sweet! It’s that time of year again –time to look for eggs!


This weekend, April 7 to 9, look for the ads with the Milk Chocolate Eggs around Webkinz World for a chance to win THREE Milk Chocolate Eggs – one each day! Feed the eggs to your pets to win awesome Spring Celebration Prizes!



Every day, look for this ad with the Milk Chocolate Egg. When you find it, click on it to be taken to Webkinz Newz for a Community Code! Each day you have a chance to find a new code!


So log in to this weekend and start searching for eggs! And remember to come back every day to be sure to get all three!

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38 Responses to Find the Egg Ad! April 7 – 9

  1. attilathehoney says:

    I’ve been all over webkinz, webkinz newz in 2 accounts all day and have not seen one ad. Accounts freeze in both firefox and Microsoft edge.

  2. kin2832 says:

    This is awesome!!!:) Thanks Ganz!

  3. cvasko says:

    I love this you win the most wonderful flowers and shrubs and trees. wish they had more flowers during the summer months.

  4. rsprang says:

    something is wrong with webkinz news page. no floating eggs and for the past two days no rabbit from peek a news.

  5. 1955tiny says:

    QUESTION – The ad is it the same each of the days ? So we can only do it once . OR is it a different ad so we can get a different code each day ?

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