Find the Pet Buddy & Win!

Pet Buddies have come home and now they’re everywhere! To celebrate the return of Pet Buddies to your Pet’s room, this weekend, November 3 to 5, when you find the ad with the Pet Buddy, you can win FREE Community Codes for a Zed Zippy Zum costume!


On Friday, November 3rd, look for the ad and click on it to win a pair of Zed Zippy Zum Shoes!


On Saturday, November 4th, look for the ad and click on it to win a Zed Zippy Zum Costume!


And on Sunday, November 5th, look for the ad and click on it to win a Zed Zippy Zum Hat!


Pet Buddies make adorable companions for your pets – especially when your pet is sporting their new Zed Zippy Zum costume!


You can find Cinder, the baby dragon and more Pet Buddies at Ganz eStore!

44 Responses to Find the Pet Buddy & Win!

  1. 2001smommyganz says:

    I missed the hat & the shoes!!

  2. kidzinme says:

    I can NOT get the shoe code to work PLEASE help Is it a GLITCH??

  3. megamom12 says:

    I totally missed out on this one. Man, working outside the home really cuts into your game time!!!

  4. ELJUCO1964 says:

    Thank you so very much for another great costume… You all are the best!!!

  5. sportsport says:

    I meant hat ad. Sorry.

  6. GramaII says:

    Thank you once again for an adorable costume. I got the shoes and costume and hope to get the hat tomorrow. Webkinz is GREAT!!

  7. ImaPepper says:

    Such a cute costume–I love the zums! Thank you!

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