Freaky Forest Concept Drawings!


Hello Webkinz Newz readers, Ella McWoof here with a special report! Last month you voted for the Freaky Forest theme to be the new Halloween room theme. Our artists here at Webkinz headquarters have been hard at work and I am pleased to show you the first set of concept drawings! The 3D artists will use these drawings as a guide when actually creating the final items that will be available in the W-Shop in October.


Here’s a first look at a tree that will be part of this theme. If you have a name suggestion for any of these items, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below this article:



Next up is a beautiful stone owl that’s perched on top of a stone column:



This stone wall is meant to work with the columns. The idea here is that you can add a column to the edge of the wall to create a grand entrance to the forest:



Now here’s a floor tile that you can add to an outdoor room and take this Freaky Forest to the next level:



This cave looks like a lot of fun:



And here’s another look at that log bench that we showed you last month. I still think those eyes peeking out from inside the log are a great touch:



Please feel free to leave your feedback and name suggestions in the comments section below and stay tuned for the second set of concept drawings coming soon!


This has been Ella McWoof reporting for Webkinz Newz…


207 Responses to Freaky Forest Concept Drawings!

  1. SimDollRaj says:

    I really hope they dont make these items deluxe or for estore points. Halloween is my favourite time of the year and i would love to be able to purchase them just by my full membership and kinzcash. Im sure others would love this too. Also i was hoping there would be some freaky forest ride included. Ganz should add a wallpaper like that background in the Cavernous Cave. Overall great job Ganz!

  2. ImaPepper says:

    Hmm…I think I would call the cave the Groaning Cavern….the tree looks like he is daring anyone to enter the forest, like a Spooky Sentinel Tree. Still trying to think of names for the other items. Looking forward to designing my haunted forest!

  3. rsprang says:

    I cannot wait to get this theme…looks super awesome!!

  4. livelovelaugh322 says:

    The tree of haunted hallows? I tried v.v

  5. LadyBeauty says:

    1. The Creepy Weeping Tree 2. Hoo Goes There Pillar ( I wrote these down before reading anyone else’s suggestions. Sorry for duplications.) 3.Slimy Stone Fence 4. Freaky Forest Floor 5. The Howling Cave of Bats 6. The Rotting Gnarled Log ♪♫LadyBeauty♪♫

  6. FoxesRule612 says:

    WOAAAAAHHH!!! Cooollll!!!! Love it! Keep it up!

  7. flutterby7 says:

    Love the concept drawings. Totally Spooktacular :D

  8. insane123 says:

    what about evil eye cave for the cave.

  9. mtotowa2 says:

    Here are some name ideas: Haunted Cavern, and Freaky Willow Tree

  10. beerfeet says:

    This will be a great theme! Please don’t make the tree too expensive because I want to make a haunted forest! And please allow us to put stuff on the weedy tile, like our haunted house kit.

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