Free cookies? Sweet! This weekend, November 26 & 27, you can collect free Marigold Cookies from the Marigold Candy Tree in Kinzville Park in Webkinz Classic!
This beautiful tree would make a lovely addition to any Webkinz home and it gives out a free cookie each day!
If you’d like to add this tree to your home, check out our wide selection of candy trees at Ganz eStore. Each time they enjoy a sweet treat, your pets will thank you!
Aww, these are gorgeous
Thank you very much for the cookies! Each month I look forward to the newest candy tree appearing in the park for a weekend. There is no way I can buy all the newest dispensers and having the opportunity to collect some treats is a very generous gesture – it’s like another appreciation gift! Thanks, Ganz!
Thank you for the treats! The marigold cookies are so pretty!
How cute!!