Feb. 1 – 7: Free Shipping with New Feb. Pets!

From February 1 to 7, when you purchase one of the New Plush Webkinz Pets released in February, your ENTIRE order will qualify for FREE SHIPPING at Ganz eStore!


This special deal is only  valid from February 1 to 7 with purchases that include at least one of the following three New Plush Pets from the New Webkinz Plush Pets section!


Polar Cub


Hoppy Floppy Bunny


Bullmastiff Pup


So visit Ganz eStore and check out February’s new pets! Because from February 1 – 7, the shipping’s on the Polar Cub, the Hoppy Floppy Bunny and the Bull Mastiff Puppy!


31 Responses to Feb. 1 – 7: Free Shipping with New Feb. Pets!

  1. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Well ,these are pretty good! Compared to last month’s, these are great. The Polar Cub, cute. Probably looks even cuter online. The bunny.. hehe, the Hoppy Floppy Bunny, looks cute too! The Bullmastiff Pup, eh, *shrugs* I don’t like those dogs that much, but it looks okay. It also looks sort of like other dogs they have already, but oh well. Overall, these are all great! I was hoping for an Arctic Hare though… ah well! These are still mostly cute.

  2. Pokekinz says:

    Awwwww…. Bunny…… :3

  3. ChristianCowgirl123 says:

    Oh, I’ve been praying for a Bull Mastiff pup! Omygoodness! I’m actually crying! I need this pet! Awwww the polar bear cub is sooo cute! Oh look t has such an adorable nose! Oh my goodness My favorite animal is a horse then a dog than bunnies. I love Bynnies! I had 58 at once! I kept breeding them! I have a big heart for those little furballs with a stub for a fail! They are so cuddly! I want this bunny and the dog! Oh the polar bear is nice too!

    • RosyFox says:

      Oh, wow, ChristianCowgirl, 58 bunnies!? I can’t imagine how’d cute (and crowded) that would be! That’s A LOT of little fuzzies hopping around! And, that Hoppy Floppy Bunny Webkinz is adorable. I may have to adopt it…

    • xmy9tailxkinz says:

      Cool, guess what I found my Pw and Un papers… (Under my bed) What I want to see as a webkinz is a (Well, I am not sure if they have already made some of these if they have can someone show me the link) Pomeranian, (ADORABLE) Icelandic Sheepdog, Akita Inu, Japanese Spitz, Munchkin Cat, +Lots More the could make a Sun horse like a sun fox. or a Fox with 9 Tails xD (I can Dream)

  4. tiny19540112 says:

    These are not in the E-store yet so no telling the cost !! We have a few store that sell the pets . 5 Below and WEGMANS .

  5. FennecFox says:

    The polar bear cub was one of my ideas! I am so happy!

  6. 13carrotpoppy says:

    Ahhh! I can’t wait to order the bunny! :D This is a dream come true! I collect bunnies! :D I AM SO HAPPY! :D

  7. FennecFox says:

    I KNEW that webkinz would make a polar bear cub! YES!

  8. FennecFox says:


  9. FoxesRule612 says:

    Also, do you still even sell plush pets in physical stores? From what I’ve heard you don’t….

  10. FoxesRule612 says:

    Aww, why don’t they ever make an Arctic Wolf?? =(

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