Ganz Fanz: Art Showcase 19


Check out these awesome Webkinz fan art pieces!


Payton in Wisconsin did an amazing job with this gorgeous Rainbow Armadillo!


Kassidy in Pennsylvania drew a simple and stunning minimalist Perfectly Pink Owl. Wow!



Amanda in Massachusetts sent in a lovely picture of Sprinkles the Arctic Polar Bear…



And a fan from Minnesota sent in a fun Summer Spaniel!



If you want to send in your favorite Webkinz drawings (and maybe get them posted on the Webkinz Newz front page!), please share them in the Share Center (under “Fan Art”) at the Ganz Parent Club or snail mail them to:



#043 60 Industrial Parkway

Cheektowaga, New York


47 Responses to Ganz Fanz: Art Showcase 19

  1. Lisamarie580 says:

    i love the summer spaniel ! MAKE IT INTO A PET!!!!

  2. hln2004 says:

    Awwww! Beautiful photos guys! those are amazing! Keep doing what ur doing! From:hln2004

  3. Kamots55 says:

    The rainbow armadillo is really cool!

  4. Fracktail says:

    So, about that Polka-Dot puppy on every Ganz Fanz cover…do they have a name? What is their place in Kinzville? Who is this elusive character? Or, you know, not-a-character. Whatever, I like them anyways. I like to imagine her as an eccentric artist who constantly works to create the ultimate masterpiece, and thus has been working on that same painting for years (you know, the one that she’s always painting whenever we see her). She always comes up with crazy new ideas that might improve her painting, but halfway into adding them she comes up with a different idea that she likes better, so she abandons her old idea for a new one. She’s also a Zum enthusiast, so she has a sketchbook full of Zum pictures that she drew from her Zum-watching (which is the Webkinz equivalent of birdwatching, probably). She’s also acrophobic. Just…just thought I’d throw that in there. So, yeah, I just impulsively created a character in the span of five minutes for no reason at all. Oops.

  5. TigerKinzKG says:

    i LoVe the armidillo! GRReat job to evreyone!!!

  6. BuffaloGirl14075 says:

    Awesome job Artists. I like them all!!

  7. carebeargirl716 says:

    Wow! They’re so good! My favorites are the Arctic Polar Bear and Rainbow Armadillo :) I love to draw and I have have some ideas for new Webkinz, like my drawing of an Electric Kitty, but I don’t think i’m going to send anything in

  8. ArtMagician says:

    Okay, nice! But honestly, that rainbow armadillo is really good!!!!!!!!! :D It really could be a new Webkinz. Really. Maybe it could be an inspiration for Ganz! Hey, anybody at Ganz, could you tell me if any of your inspirations for new Webkinz happen to come from fan art sometimes? Thanks!

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