Welcome to another edition of Ganz Fanz! This edition showcases fan art from Kinztagram!
- popcorncatkinz
- clumsy.__.kinz
- starberryboo
- cathouse2_webkinz
- webbie_arts
If you want to send in your favorite Webkinz drawings (and maybe get them posted on the Webkinz Newz front page!), please share them in the Share Center (under “Fan Art”) at the Ganz Parent Club or snail mail them to:
#043 60 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, New York
Great job by all our Webkinz artists
All of these are awesome!! I especially love the Husky that popcorncatkinz drew. Congrats to everyone who was featured! You guys are very talented artists!
Great job everyone! Question: can you send pictures through email?
Great drawings…Keep up the Great work! You all get Gold Stars!!
Wow, these pictures are awesome!!! :D Congrats popcorncatkinz, starberryboo, cathouse2_webkinz, webbie_arts, and clumsy,_.kinz!!!!! You guys are great artists! :)
Awesome artwork!!! Love the bird!! They are all very good. Congratulations on being featured!
Wow, those are awesome! So cute. =3 I especially love the husky and the Bernese Mountain dog. By the way, Ganz/Webkinz, I like that you pulled these from Instagram lot more, because I’ve usually seen all the Fan Art already, so this was refreshing and new. Anyways, congratulations to you all for being featured!
nice art! congrats to everyone featured!
I follow some of these people on Kinztagram! They are amazing artists!
These are really fantastic! But they’re kinda small… O.o I don’t do Insragram, Facebook is overwhelming enough. Not a huge fan of all this social media stuff, either. I’m planning on posting more artwork soon. Keep up the great work, guys! =^^=
Hi, FoxesRule, you can click on them to enlarge them. ;)
Oh my goodness! They’re so much cuter up close!! I especially love the parakeet! He’s so cute!!!
They are so different They seem brighter and are definitely clearer! Thank you for the information!!! ♥♥♥foxpaws♥♥♥
No problem, foxpaws! They do look so much cuter up close. :)