Get Out and Play!






Hey, it’s Salley Cat. I just heard about this really cool new challenge. It’s called the ‘Presidential Active Lifestyle Award’ or PALA. The President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition wants to promote a healthy lifestyle by encouraging us all to get more active. To earn PALA kids have to engage in 60 minutes five to six days a week for six weeks. At first I thought that sounded like a lot, but when I thought about it, I play soccer a couple of times a week and go swimming with Stoogles once a week, not to mention running all over Kinzville with the ‘Kinz Crew all the time. I’ll bet you with a few small changes I could make it to 60 minutes easy. I’m gonna try!

I’m going to head over to the The President’s Challenge website at and sign up right now.  They’ve even got downloadable PDFs to help me track my progress.

So whaddaya think? Wanna take the PALA Challenge with me?

335 Responses to Get Out and Play!

  1. awesomealyssa! says:

    right now i feel so active…….. bout to ride bike then do some homework… maybe. want to play my i pod!!! BUT MY BROTHER LOST IT!!!! :(

  2. awesomealyssa! says:

    Cool! i LOVE SOCCER!!!! i play it every day at school and at home ; D . also, i have the 600 trophy 2. also, i stretch and get in shape. i am really tall, and i love having races…. Want to race me??? ;D

  3. blank says:

    I love bike ridding i do it all the time

  4. qutie0308 says:

    ok i dont exersize alot but i do run around with my puppy alot now and this sound kinda easy….not reeeally easy but kinda…i MIGHT enter if i still can… ill ask my mom :D the reason i really want to enter is cuz my grandma won an award either like this or it was this award and she would be really proud if i entered :D
    ~qutie0308~ <3

  5. sparleburst6 says:

    i run all the time.i can swim in the right!!!!!!!!!

  6. Jade AKA eeta4 says:

    I love the idea! I’m going to go on a bike ride a little later and tomorrow I’m going to go skateboard. :)
    Good Luck to You All,

  7. harley says:

    i luv this event ! im sooo goin 2 get active and hav a better lifestyle! :D

  8. Abby says:

    I think this is awsome! :) I ran around the house 15 times today. :)

  9. alyssa d says:


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