Get Ready for May Makeover!

Everyone knows Webkinz Newz is the best place to go for all the latest in Webkinz info, and in May it’s also going to be THE place to visit for some terrific Webkinz prizes!
During the May you can get one clothing item per day, if you’re able to find and click on Hailey Elephant.  You never know which item you’ll get, and you’ll absolutely adore the cool outfits you’ll be able to put together! For more info, click here!

Join us in May for our marvelous May Makeover!

156 Responses to Get Ready for May Makeover!

  1. Rosie says:


  2. Tata says:

    HOW DO YOU PLAY?????????

  3. yo says:

    grrrrrr i keep clicking on the van but it keeps saying web page has expired. mood: frusterated :>:(: >:(

  4. elizabeth says:

    i would love to wear a pink tanktop and a brown skert

  5. corrine says:

    So Kool!!!

  6. puchipie2 says:

    does anyone know where the elephant is? I REALLY want to know. i love fashion so i want some clothing SO bad!!!!!!!

  7. gracie says:

    What I love about webkinz is that we always get stuff for the holidays.

  8. Annabelle says:

    go to peek a newz..

  9. jessica. says:

    how do you find Hailey?!?!

  10. msgrlnyst says:

    Three times in a row!Only two to go!

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