Get Ready for More Fun with HOP!

 Have you been having a TON of fun with HOP? Well get ready for lots more!
Starting on March 16, visit Webkinz World and keep your eyes peeled for a floating HOP egg. When you see it, click on it to win an awesome new food prize!

Also starting on March 16, check out the Arcade because Home Before Dark has gone HOP and you’re sure to love HOP Before Dark! This great game won’t be here forever, but you can bet it will be featured as Game of the Day several times – and you know what that means….extra KinzCash!

                        HOP the movie is in theaters April 1st.

147 Responses to Get Ready for More Fun with HOP!

  1. qbd13 says:

    How can you possibly eat these SOOOO cute chicks???

  2. kittykat says:

    hop is awsome! i got my hopping bunny and i named it tessa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i also got so many prizes from hop.
    i want CANDY.

  3. BoMoon says:

    Hello! I am bored of the same three questions on the HOP ad, so here is a new question for you all! What other four animals are on the bed with EB? Tee he he Good luck!

  4. brk2dk says:

    I’ve already played that game. I’d rate it 5 stars. Now I really want to see the movie! It looks soooooooooo cute!

  5. shuts says:

    hiya all i have wacky and rock shirt aqua shirt and shuts and pumpkin and estore if you want to trade with me tuesday and thursday at 8:00 webkinz time i in gold 3 i might be late or monday afternoon

  6. anvar2001 says:

    plz add me on anvar2001 and berrymarry123, this hop thing rocks

  7. ChocolateBear says:

    I’m dissapointed with the game. Its to much like hom before dark. But I love getting the prizes!

  8. NachoUnicorn says:

    Hehe. Just saw HOP on TV.

  9. Sarah says:

    Hi did you know I won the rabbet

  10. kkw says:

    I <3 the preveiw on tv of HOP!!!!!! Did u get a hopping bunny? i did, i named it Cristin!!!!!!!!!

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