Get Ready for #OneWebkinzWorld…


318 Responses to Get Ready for #OneWebkinzWorld…

  1. sumerfs98 says:

    i’m so excited!! i can’t wait to find out more

  2. Priceless says:

    I hope this isn’t something only people on Twitter, Facebook or Youtube can do! I’m to young for ALL of those…This better be really good….

  3. littleheartbigbark says:

    I know this is really random, but anyone out there who’s a deluxe member, I am looking for the new summer clothing at the kinzstyle outlet and the rock and roll flooring. My user is littleheartbigbark. I really like these items. I need the flooring for my new mowhawk puppy.

  4. bottomsup says:

    it is always nice when we get new things to do in webkinz but what about the old things. Hamsters hasn’t seen anything new in ages…no new hamlet prizes, no new mazes, nothing new in the shopping area…and then there is the academy. How about some new classes or new rewards? Are these areas forgotten?

  5. CheekyCat says:

    Is this to take pictures of Plush pets? Or virtual? Plz respond, Ganz workers. #OneWebkinzWorld!

  6. irene12316 says:

    i wanna know what it is!

  7. PeacePuppy2323 says:

    I hope there is nothing to do with meeting them at a place because totally couldn’t make it.

  8. Becky71W says:

    If they are # tagging the title maybe something with Twitter?

  9. earnestandjerry says:

    Whoa! This is like crazy epic! It for sure is something to do with photos, and real life plushies… I’m thinking… They’re getting a facebook account, a Twitter acount, and will be posting their own videos on U-Tube. Cameras… Photos… Videos. I think that’s the answer. Webkinz movie, or something like that, maybe we can get signed prints of your Webkinz photos? Lol, I don’t think that’s happening, but that’s what I was hoping for! Maybe they’re going global, one New World at a Time? Lol, that would be awesome! Wait.. still thinking… a Global Commercial that will be Aired World wide, and our pets will get to be in it! Every one in the world tuned into TV Land will get to see it! Plus the exposure, of social networks… from the symbol I’m definitely thinking three things… Global, New Worlds, and Videos…. I have so many thoughts! ~Speedy

  10. cathouse2 says:

    I wonder what it could be! I can’t wait to find out! :) It looks like some kind of contest, maybe.

    • AvzoraGW says:

      oh! a contest would be really cool! :D :D :D (PS – Hey, Ganz, what happened to our emoticons?) :?

      • Mike Webkinz says:

        We removed them for now due to players excessively using them. They were becoming a distraction since we’d get way too many comments of people testing or trying out different combinations.

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