Get Wacky This Weekend!

From Friday, June 17 – Sunday June 19 (ending at midnight, EST) , every time you hit Wacky 600 feet or farther during a game of Wacky Zingoz at the Webkinz Classic Games Arcade, you’ll win the Master Blaster 600 Trophy!



Here’s how to play: Look for Wacky Zingoz in the Games Arcade. Each game, you’ll have 5 chances to hit Wacky as far as you can. To hit, click your mouse to make Wacky jump from the tree then, click the mouse again to swing.



If you manage to hit Wacky 600 feet or farther, you’ll win the Master Blaster 600 trophy! There is no limit to the number of trophies you can win during this event, so start practicing now… It’s not easy to hit Wacky 600 feet!



You will only win the trophy by playing Wacky Zingoz in the Games Arcade. The trophy cannot be won at the Tournament Arena.


Have you ever won a trophy playing Wacky Zingoz? Let us know in the comment section below…


25 Responses to Get Wacky This Weekend!

  1. abmol says:

    im not very good at this game but this trophy looks cool

  2. _xPho3nyxblade318x_ says:

    I ADORE THIS GAME!! I normally play it for fun because it’s quick and easy and a game I can beat my friends at rather than checkers, lol.

  3. j9e9n9n9y9 says:

    Everyone, I know the trick! Don’t worry if you can’t get it, I have a tip that will totally help! If you hit wacky to the patch of flowers in between 400 and 500, he will bounce to the 600 mark. Make sure that his first land is at the flowers, and make it a powerful shot. I hope this helps! -j9e9n9n9y9

  4. sharon541 says:

    To Sally Webkinz, this has nothing to do with Wacky but I have a question. I’m trying to make the wood bead bracelet in Webkinz Next. I have all the necessary supplies but the wood supply doesn’t show up with the other two items. Is this a known problem.

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      There are two types of wood — Hard Wood from the tree that you can harvest every day, and regular wood that you find in the crafting bags/material boxes. The recipe uses regular wood, not Hard Wood.

  5. PEBBLES1973 says:

    Add me my username is NITA007 & I will try to get you the trophy

    • ojibwa says:

      We are already friends! My username is eigram!

    • _xPho3nyxblade318x_ says:

      Ooh, I’ll send you a FR from Applh0nsik later! My other account is RobinFireEmblem, but it says I already sent 8 requests out. *facepalm*

    • Katz1259 says:

      @Sally Webkinz I didn’t think these types of posts were allowed anymore, otherwise the board would be over run with add me posts! Secondly, in light of the recent problems with hacking or whatever it was, NO ONE should ever be allowed to post about getting someone else a trophy! You have warned us all for the past 15+ years not to share our passwords for any reason and here you have allowed a public post with someone offering to do so. When you don’t edit it out, it kind of looks like you guys don’t really mean what you say. This concerns me deeply since hackers are out there and they ARE getting smarter! If you don’t stand behind simple security like don’t share your passwords, then how do the rest of us know that you are taking security, OUR security seriously?

  6. ojibwa says:

    I always try, and I get SO close, but I’ve never won one!

  7. j9e9n9n9y9 says:

    Yay! I have totally been practicing for this! I can’t wait to win a few of these to add to my trophy room. Good luck everyone!

  8. Flyerdream says:

    Love this game! Love trophies!

  9. 7debbie7 says:

    Have Won Many….Just Wish That I’d Be Awarded My Wacky Triple Trophy Badge in The “My Badges” Tab In Classic. I’ve Won 3 Trophies Way Too Many Times During The Wacky Weekend Events & Unfortunately There’s A Nagging Glitch Preventing Me From Earning My Badge.

  10. LovesStaffordshires says:

    I wish that I could get this cool trophy but unfortunately, I’m not very good at this game. Pittiesrule

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