Get Wacky This Weekend!


From Friday, February 28, to Sunday, March 2, win a prize each time you earn a score of 11,500 points or higher playing WackyER Zingoz on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App!



Here’s how to play: Look for WackyER Zingoz in the Games Arcade. During the game, you’ll need to hit Wacky until he reaches the target at the end of each level. Be careful… you’re only allowed a limited number of hits to reach each target!



Each time you earn 11,500 points or higher, you’ll be awarded 1 of 4 Wacky prizes: A Wacky Wig, Wacky Rug, a Zangoz Tropical Plant or the brand-new WackyER Zingoz Poster:




Prizes will be randomly awarded when you reach the goal, but there’s no limit to the amount of times you can play the game. So, play often to win as many as you can!


Which prize would you like to win the most? Let us know in the comment section below…


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14 Responses to Get Wacky This Weekend!

  1. LivingAloha says:

    That plant is wonderful. I hope i can win that this time. Good luck to all!!!

  2. faimai12 says:

    Check the giveaway room after the weekend. I will giveaway anything I don’t need.

  3. stinkypete says:

    I am hoping to get the rug and poster this time around!

  4. hlfbkdfae says:

    I never got the music box thing (can’t remember exactly what it was called) last time and was really hoping it would be a prize this time. Out of these prizes I only need the rug (:

  5. granma4 says:

    I love wacky weekends. I’m ok at this game and usually win a few medallions. I hope I can do good enough to help out a few of my friends. Good Luck everyone have fun :)

  6. kalcan8 says:

    I would love any and all of them, but I am not very good at the game. Hopefully I can get really lucky and at least win the plant, which is huge, and hysterical. The rug is stunning. The poster is so vibrant, and I have the perfect place for it. The wig totally cracks me up and I can’t see it without thinking of Syndrome from The Incredibles (although Wacky’s wig is more blonde and less strawberry, but the crazy shape is there.) *fingers crossed!*

  7. jonquilles says:

    Any tips on playing the game?! I’m terrible at it! LOL

    • noonesfriend says:

      I wish I could tell you ! I never make it past level six ! I did make it to level seven, twice, on my old tower pc; but since my laptop; I NEVER do. I’ve been trying for15 yrs. ( ! ) so I’ll bet I am worse than you ! lol Good Luck to you.

  8. urcow says:

    Hope I have time to try to get a plant or two.

  9. pittiesrule says:

    I hope that I win the Zangoz Tropical Plant at least 3 times.

  10. a5t says:

    Looking forward to hopefully snagging more of those Zangoz Tropical Plants!

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