Get Wacky This Weekend!



Start looking for Wacky Milkshakes in Webkinz World! You have until Sunday, March 1st to collect as many as you can (see image below for daily limits). When you click on a milkshake, it will be added to your Dock. Drag a milkshake onto your pet to feed your Webkinz… and every time you do, there’s a chance you’ll win a Wacky Bumper Car!



What will you do with your Wacky Milkshakes? Collect them, or feed them to your pet for the chance to win a Wacky Bumper Car? This is the last time we’ll be holding this event so you may want to hold onto them… if you can! That bumper car is pretty nifty and the odds to win it are better than ever!



Did you manage to win a Wacky Bumper Car? Let us know in the comment section below…


49 Responses to Get Wacky This Weekend!

  1. fluffybunnies says:

    I’m deluxe and not a single milkshake has appeared :(

  2. explore9 says:

    Hello all! Happy Wacky Weekend! I need some more webkinz friends who are willing to gift eachother items everyday and come to my parties :) Add me if you would like! Explore9

    • albina521 says:

      I will be your friend explore9 i have lots of gifts and can come to parties if time allows

    • KimAA1214 says:

      I’m having a lot of fun exchanging gifts with you explore9 (I’m Aleskar in WW)!! I look forward to it every day now! But I just realized how many items we are not allowed to give away. Awhile ago I made a room to store special items that I already have 1 of so that I could share them with friends only to find out that most of them cannot be gifted. I hope this is something that will be fixed later on. Maybe at least let us share items that we bought. I would like to share some of these fantastic items with my friends!!

  3. explore9 says:

    I got all my 8 milkshakes today and didn’t get one, bummer!

  4. tunkany says:

    I have trouble getting online on the weekends. :O oh well…

  5. raw1937 says:

    I got mine on the 5th try.

  6. Neette says:

    When I am doing the ” Watch and Win Room ” a floater goes behind the screen. There is no way you can click on it. It never floats when you are not watching the screen. SO How are you to click on the floater ? ?

  7. gingerdare says:

    Wait this is the LAST time to get a wacky bumper car???????!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. 7debbie7 says:

    Yes…What Fun For Our Weekend! Thanks Ganz.

  9. Piranhica_Lover1 says:

    I feed my pet the first milkshake and got the bumper car. Yay!

  10. BH1464 says:

    Can hardly wait for the Wacky Milkshakes to start floating by!

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