Getting a ‘Great Play’ in Next

No one ever said earning prizes was going to be easy! Week 1 of Tropical Oasis Season has a task that is not for the faint-hearted but we have faith in you!


To get a ‘Great Play’ in Atomicolicious or Wacky Zingoz you need to reach a certain score. In Atomicolicious that score is 26, while in Wacky Zingoz you need to earn 7500.


When you hit that score or above you’ll see a ‘Great Play’ graphic appear at the end of the game. Go back to your weekly tasks and you’ll see that the task is ticked off on your list.


This may be a tough task but you’re sure to have fun trying to complete it! We know you can do it!



Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.


23 Responses to Getting a ‘Great Play’ in Next

  1. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Oh, wow! I had no idea what made a “great play” in Next, so this explanation was very helpful! Thanks for that :) But honestly, I’m mostly just here to say that I love the LOTR/Boromir meme reference X,D Even more hilarious is the fact I just watched that movie again last night, haha! Ganz, you must’ve read my mind!

  2. FoxesRule612 says:

    LOLL these memes are great, whoever is making these deserves a raise!

  3. Davids1lilpixie says:

    Lol well, the cynic in me also would point out that getting a “great play” is likely darn near impossible when the algorithms are set up to make you lose. Lol after all, how else are they going to get to buy tokens for the arcade and game time? :D

    • sally says:

      It’s not impossible — that screenshot is from my account, and is on the first try at Wacky Zingoz :D

      • kalcan8 says:

        Sally Webkinz, I just took a closer look at your screenshot – your personal best in Wacky Zingoz is outstanding! You must eat your spinach (Popeye) or your ‘Wheaties’ (‘The Breakfast of Champions’ – countless athletes) to be able to hit Wacky that far! Congrats!

        • sally says:

          I wouldn’t put too much stock in that number — I think it may have been right from the beginning before some adjustments to the scoring mechanic were made! I think the highest I’ve managed to get since then has been in the 13,000 range.

    • kalcan8 says:

      Hi @Davids1lilpixie. I find Wacky Zingoz on Next to be way easier than on Classic. As long as I wait for Wacky to reach the right spot (right around the lowest ivy wrapped around the tree, just below Zingoz’s eyes), I am often able to score over 10,000. Do you like Atomicolicious? That’s one of my favorite games on Next. I play vs. Sparky, and I beat him at least 4 out of 5 times. (I will have to keep better track of my stats) I look for ways to make a set of three that will also line up other colors to become sets of three. Always look for opportunities to make sets of 4 because you get an extra turn. Don’t be afraid to wait it out and waste a turn if the only match available are the gray ones. Let Sparky match gray, and maybe something better will line up for you on the next turn. If I am in the lead, I start to look for opportunities to line up ‘W’s, which raise my score. I usually choose to play honorably and don’t line up the droppers to remove his paint unless he does mine first, then the gloves come off and I annihilate him. He-he!

  4. frostyya says:

    I would love to see a graph of how many Webkinz Next users were born after the LOTR movies. This one gave me a chuckle

  5. gb1771 says:

    Hey, off topic, but can we please have the whole day (from midnight to midnight) to do the daily events on Ganzworld? I keep missing my 24 hour cut-off by only around an hour and then I just end up missing the dailies that day and doing them tomorrow. It’s not a huge deal, but I really wish we had literally the whole day instead of 24 hours since we last did them.

  6. BeezKneez says:

    LOL – LOVE the LotR reference!! I’ll admit that most, ok, almost all, of the memes are lost on me, but not this one. And if you don’t get a Great Play, then You Shall Not Pass and must try again. Also, I finally adopted my Desert Rain Frog and named it Frodo – before I even saw this Newz story – ha ha

  7. Mummabean says:

    Good info about “great play”. Thanks! The webkinz head on the body creeps me out a bit though.

  8. kalcan8 says:

    Thank you for explaining this! I really like Atomicolicious, so this was a labor of love. I never noticed the ‘Great Play’ graphic at the end of the game. I will have to pay better attention. And for the record, we LOVE Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings! (Boromir, not so much. At least he doesn’t make Mordor sound like a sunny vacation getaway! LOL!)

    • LadyBeauty says:

      kalcan8 & BeezKneez: I too am a Tolkien / “Lord of the Rings” nerd! In Classic I made rooms as tribute to Tolkien’s works including a cozy Bag End, The Shire, Fangorn Forest, Rivendell, & Lothlorien. I put together an outfit for my Signature White Tiger, complete with wig that when he is sitting in the desk chair, it looks like Bilbo is writing “There and Back Again, A Hobbit’s Tale”! I wish I would have been able to get the desk from the capsules to complete my room in Next. On Next I’m Meow Autumnsong 1. LadyBeauty

      • kalcan8 says:

        LadyBeauty, I would absolutely LOVE to see your LOTR rooms! They sound like an incredibly detailed labor of love. Have you ever sent them in to Michael Webkinz? Please consider it! (I currently only have one Shire/Bag End room on Classic.) I wish that the capsule that you are talking about in Next was available all of the time. If I ever had ‘extra’ diamonds, that is one item for which I would break my ‘diamonds are for sparking’ rule. I will check my Next friends list to see if you are on it, and add you if you are not. Have a fantastic day!

  9. holomermaid says:

    These memes are too funny omg

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