Glamping ends in 5 days!


Will you complete the Season?


Is it just us or is this summer flying by? It’s already the last week of Glamping! The Season ends on July 15! There are so many amazing awards to collect.


Can you believe the fashion?



This Season, the fashion has been too glam to be true. Glamping clothing items included: Glamping Sandals, Hiking Hat, Glamping Jacket, Frayed Denim Shorts and Knotted Top, Stacked Bracelets, Boho Dress and the Sundress with Denim Jacket.


These pieces are brilliant for any summer event!



Of course, we’ve heard how much you love our Glamping home furnishings, particularly the Outdoor Luxury Bath which would look incredible in ANY home.



Our grand prize is the Glamping Tent, a one-of-a-kind item with semi-transparent walls, big enough for all your pets to enjoy a Glamping party!



The Glamping Season also features exclusive Emojis.



Plus, don’t miss this chance to collect the Glamping Avatar Frame and Scout Leader Biscuit Avatar.



Have you completed the Season yet? Comment with your thoughts on Glamping!




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16 Responses to Glamping ends in 5 days!

  1. XenoQuacker says:

    I have enjoyed this season. I was lucky enough to get the pool from the sun. However, when I put it in my yard, I preferred oak pool I already have. I wouldn’t mind trading the summer pool to another player. Unfortunately, it cannot be put into my trading binder.

  2. jeanie45 says:

    Sally Webkinz, While I like the new WOW themed items like the telescope and the “Beach Chair” I don’t understand why these items can’t be placed outside. The same with the pirate chest items. Please allow us to put these items outside. Why can’t they go in either or? Thank you.

  3. KSC says:

    I have really been enjoying this Season’s prizes. Thank you from me and my Next pets!

    • Maddie4 says:

      This season has been great. The prizes are very nice. I also like how the tent turns sheer like the artist example above when a pet is inside. Great work designers.

  4. kaitgomez says:

    Their camping outfits are so cute

  5. 11auntie says:

    I have had the same problem all day, and I am tired of going in circles! I think we need to write Ganz directly at

    • paduga1 says:

      Wow, I’m sorry to hear that. I play on a mac desktop and an ipad. Both of them managed the update at the app store and I even won the pool today when chasing the sun! Definitely contact support. You must be biting your nails with dread of not finishing this amazing season. Good luck!

  6. gionfrid says:

    The same with me. I’ve deleted everything from my cache and rebooted my Mac computer and that didn’t help. This problem is also happening to others who are the Facebook group for Webkinz Next for adults. Please fix this asap!

  7. 1aa2bb3cc says:

    I have a problem and I’m not sure where to post this, but this afternoon my Webkinz Next keeps saying I must update. I click on the App Store to update and it doesn’t allow me to update so I can’t get on to Webkinz Next which means I can’t find the sun today or gain points towards the prizes. Do you have any suggestions? I have turned the computer on and off several times to no avail. Thanks.

    • Wizardsroost says:

      This happens to me every time it demands I update. For months now. The only solution I have so far is I have to uninstall Next every time, and then reinstall it immediately. Once it’s uninstalled — so far, for me — the App store once more offers Next as an option like it didn’t just do me like that. Any other suggestions or help from the ganz team would be great and I hope we get that.

    • jill7821 says:

      try this. on playstore page in the left margin is something called library. click on that. scroll down and find Next and update on that line. good luck

    • Craig says:

      When I, too, was caught in this continual ‘loop’ prompting me to update the app over and over again, and I tried all the same troubleshooting ideas you have mentioned. Then, I simply wrote an email to explaining the situation, included our account user name, and email address. Webkinz support completely resolved the situation for me by the very next day. I hope they can do the same for you, too. Good luck, friends!

  8. ekzs1234 says:

    hey so I have been trying to get on my next account and it says I need to update my app, but there is no update available. I tried deleting and redownloading, but nothing. what can I do?

    • jill7821 says:

      try this. on playstore page in the left margin is something called library. click on that. scroll down and find Next and update on that line. good luck

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