Got a Wolf? Get a Surprise!


Ganz eStore’s first Online Only Pet has a surprise up his paws!
To commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the original Grey Wolf (now simply known as Wolf), on March 16, 2011, Ganz eStore will email a surprise Feature Code to everyone who has ever purchased a Webkinz Wolf. Don’t have a Wolf but still want the surprise? No problem! The Wolf will be available at Ganz eStore until March 15, 2011.

What’s the surprise?
It wouldn’t be a surprise if we told you what it was, now would it?

I already have a Wolf! What do I have to do to get my surprise?
Nothing. A surprise Feature Code will be emailed to you on March 16, 2011.

UPDATE: All surprise Feature Codes have now been emailed to Webkinz Wolf purchasers. If you were eligible to receive a surprise Feature Code but have not yet received one, please check the email account associated with your Webkinz Wolf purchase from Ganz eStore and check your spam folder. If you still have not yet received your Feature Code, please contact Customer Service.

Offer valid to all Webkinz Wolf purchasers until 11:59pm March 15, 2011 (EST).
Surprise Feature Code will arrive by email March 16, 2011.
Must be 18 years of age or older with a valid credit card to purchase eStore Points.

329 Responses to Got a Wolf? Get a Surprise!

  1. Kepner1 says:

    I am still waiting for my email feature code for the ewolf that I purchased on the 12th and adopted on the 13th. I sent a post about this yesterday, but was told I was posting too fast. ( the last post was the 13th).
    Please resolve the feature code problem. Thanks!

  2. momdadp says:

    How do I get my surprise feature code? I have a wolf and I did not receive a code.

  3. Monica says:

    I have not received a code for the surprise, although I do own an estore wolf.

    My webkinz name is nascarmom1

  4. JM says:

    I have the wolf but didn’t receive an email with the special surprise.

  5. lilbit0811 says:

    I did not receive my gift for my wolf! What happened, did this happen to anyone else?

  6. 3InOne says:

    I so want that wolf. But I wish it wasn’t eStore. :(

  7. sk8ter2525 says:

    I have a wolf and I havn’t been emailed a secret code yet!!!!! :(

  8. Amerikinz says:

    A little disappointed in the gift with the wolf thought it would be something more usable.

  9. shirls says:

    It took a couple of days for the code for the prize to come in my email. I also believe that it specifically said it was only for the estore wolf, if I’m not mistaken.

  10. shirls says:

    Wow! I just read this long list of comments, and ……wow! I thought these comment places were to make comments about the subjects. Such in-fighting and nasty talk to each other! You sound like a bunch of children!! OH……you are….sorry! LOL LOL

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