Great catch!

Have you and your family hit the road for a relaxing vacation yet? One of our favorite vacation pastimes is taking the whole family on a fishing cruise to see what we can reel in for our collection!


Did you know that if you bring along a kid or baby on your family fishing trip you have a chance of catching a fish in an aquarium that you can take home and place in your pet’s room?



There are several adorable aquarium fish to collect so be sure to take your family on vacation often and always bring along one of your babies or kids to increase your chances of catching one of these cute fish inside an aquarium!


Have YOU brought home an aquarium yet?




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30 Responses to Great catch!

  1. maryannwood58 says:

    I went fishing, but only caught one fish and had to leave. I went back in, but it doesn’t let you finish catching the last 2 fish. Was this a glitch, or do you have to make sure you catch all 3 fish before you leave the boat?

  2. maryannwood58 says:

    Love the resort, food, fishing. Aquarium is fantastic. Thank you.

  3. gagamurph says:

    Where Can I find out what the new aquariums look like ? Have searched NEXT and recent news and have had no luck

  4. WebKidzMom says:

    When do you know if you receive/win an aquarium? does it flash up right after fishing, when you get off the boat, how/when do you know? I’ve been fishing twice a day with babies and nothing :( just wondering. Are there any tricks or is it just random? Thanks

  5. magsjungle says:

    I find it impossible to catch some of the stronger fish. How can you do this? I ease tension on the line but no matter how fast I tap, the fish always wins! Help!

    • sally says:

      My strategy is to never really stop tapping. I tap quickly when the fish isn’t fighting, but when it starts to fight, I wait 1 second between taps — this helps prevent it from getting too far away without adding tension to the line. Then when they stop fighting, tap tap tap!

  6. susiecue55 says:

    I placed the seashell tile in my room and nothing I tried would get it out.. other items aren’t working in that room either

  7. mrmic5 says:

    Love this!! Ty Ganz : )

  8. cr2w says:

    I haven’t figured out what I’m doing wrong. Can’t catch anything! Reminds me of the fishing pole game from the 1990′s. I could never catch anything at that game either, but the 4 year old I baby sat had it mastered.

  9. unifreebee says:

    This is awesome!

  10. leaveitnow41s says:

    I have designed a whole room devoted to the vacay prizes. Im gonna need to set up more tables.

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