Great News for Room Decorators!


Starting on August 28th, room decorators will no longer have to worry about losing their old wallpaper and flooring when they redecorate! We will be making an update that will allow players to swap out their wallpaper and flooring with any other room style! This means that when you drag wallpaper and flooring into a room, instead of it being removed, the old wallpaper and flooring will instead be moved to your Dock! Also, when you add a new room you’ll notice a brand new starter look, with drywall wallpaper and plywood flooring! Be here on August 28th and get ready to decorate!

143 Responses to Great News for Room Decorators!

  1. pebblesren says:

    Great news!

  2. mammarella says:

    Thank you ! Been waiting for this a long time.

  3. crissy135 says:

    This is very exciting- I did not even know you could cover up old wallpaper until a friend told me this week. I had to cover two up for challenges which was kinda silly

  4. rob1024 says:

    thanks so much for this update!!

  5. arj21798 says:

    thank you so much!!

  6. momno1 says:

    This is fantastic news! Now I can finally try out my special wallpapers and floors in different combinations!

  7. webkinz user says:

    Very cool. Can’t wait to try this out.

  8. Kimmie45 says:

    That is awesome!! I have wanted to move some rooms that had specialty wallpaper, like the old Halloween theme and Christmas theme, but I didn’t do it because I would lose the wallpaper and flooring. Thanks, Ganz!

  9. zootzoot says:

    Best news ever! Thank you.

  10. Pearl757 says:

    This sounds great! Will it include removing and reusing flooring and wallpaper from the e-store as well?

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