Great News for Room Decorators!


Starting on August 28th, room decorators will no longer have to worry about losing their old wallpaper and flooring when they redecorate! We will be making an update that will allow players to swap out their wallpaper and flooring with any other room style! This means that when you drag wallpaper and flooring into a room, instead of it being removed, the old wallpaper and flooring will instead be moved to your Dock! Also, when you add a new room you’ll notice a brand new starter look, with drywall wallpaper and plywood flooring! Be here on August 28th and get ready to decorate!

143 Responses to Great News for Room Decorators!

  1. xotzel says:

    This is great!

  2. d3999 says:

    Woo Hoo!! This is exciting! :D

  3. kj711 says:

    this is fantastic!!!! :D

  4. cowtown says:

    wow this sounds so great thank you ganz , doing good work, this is a great ideal.

  5. tntmonton says:

    This is so awesome, thanks!!!

  6. ImaPepper says:

    This is fantastic! Love it! :-)

  7. mimzle says:

    I love this!!!

  8. webkinz user says:

    This makes me very happy, thank you for the updates. I always wanted to be able to reuse my special wallpapers.

  9. chrissy says:

    oh that’s awesome, because I just lost my old beach wallpaper and had to rebuy it, but sometimes you can’t even rebuy it!! yay

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