Become a Webkinz Farmer for a great way to earn extra KinzCash!
Visit the Fun Stuff Section in the WShop and look for the Seeds tab. There you will find a variety of Growing Garden seed packets that you can plant in an Outdoor or Treetop room.
Currently, garden items don’t require any maintenance like they did before (like watering or raking weeds).
Each day, you can return to your gardening rooms to check out how your crops are growing. Each type of plant grows at a different rate, but once they are ready, you can click on them to harvest the food.
Once you’ve harvested the food from your Growing Garden plants, your crops are automatically re-planted and the growing cycle starts again. The harvested food in your Dock can either be fed to your pets or sold back to the WShop for a nice KinzCash profit!
Are YOU a Webkinz farmer? Let us know in the comments below!
Does anyone know why Cabbage, Tomatoes and Carrots take so long to come to harvest? I planted them long before my Apples, Watermelons, Pumpkins. Strawberries and they are still not ready but all the rest are even my Pickleberry and Moonberry are ready before them.
Having a garden is a great investment! I have a whole outside room full (minus a pathway) of mostly watermelons and pumpkins but a few other things. Did you know that if you purchase a pumpkin or watermelon seed and plant it, that it will pay for its cost in four-five weeks? They’re also the least expensive, highest paying, and quickest growing plants! Not only will they pay for themselves after you sell them back to the W-Shop, they keep growing and help you earn Kinzcash and feed your pets!
I don’t really miss tending the garden. It got a bit tedious. Now that I just have to harvest, I’ve planted more gardens.
Me too! Love it! Though I do look forward to the actions returning to make it seem more realistic.
I am a total Webkinz farmer!!! I have 2 rooms of gardens. I have been saving my food and not eating it but my intent on making the garden was to sell it. I love not having to care for my garden!!!! Webkinz team, don’t change it back!!! I love it the way it is!
Me too! I prefer NOT to have to tend it all the time. This is much easier. Considering how many times WW is off line this is better.
Yeah! On webkinz I have the greenest thumb there ever was. Eek in real life my thumb is anything but green I’ve tried! Really I have. This summer I planted a summer garden and it ALL died….except the tomatoes I have a little itsy bitsy tomato growing and I was so proud of myself yay snowandlindsey! However I highly doubt it will ever be big enough to eat:-) come to think of it…I don’t LIKE tomatoes :-)
I used to have a tiny farm in one of my outdoor rooms. I should make a larger room and get it started again! I kind of like that they don’t need maintenance because when I plant my garden I forget for like two weeks and come back and the plants are all dead xD
is anyone experiencing clicking problems on their crops mine keep say crop not ready for harvest you have to find the right spot to even get out of that menu its fustrating.